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                                                                                    Five Years Later

Sienna watched her two five year olds running around. Hunter chased his littler sister around. Sienna looked over to see Raven watching the children. Sienna place a hand on her swollen stomach, man normally she didnt mind being pregnant or at leeast she didnt with the twins around this time. But this baby was causing all sorts of problems and they werent even born yet. She walked over and carefully sat down on the chair next to Raven.

"Something is bothering you." Raven looked away, "You gonna tell me or do I need to guess?"

"Im going to be leacing soon."

"What! Why?"

"I know who my mate is."

Sienna smiled, "But thats good. Isnt it?"

"Not in this case." Raven looked back at the children. Sienna followed her line of vision.


"Yeah." Raven sighed.

"How do you know? I thought wolves couldnt tell until they shifted. Hunter hasnt."

"While that is normally true. That wolves find their mates after shifting do to scent. I think since my human form is strogner that I feel it differently. I feel the pull of the bond. When he was born it started but it was easy to ignore. Now its just getting harder. The constant need to want to be there to protect him. Dont worry its nothing romatical."


"It wont be that way until he's older. Right now I just want to be his friend and protector."

"So why do you want to leave then?"

"Seriously? By the time he comes of age...Sienna you know that our aging is different but I just cant get over the fact that Ill be at least two decades older then him. I may look young but my mind just cant seem to wrap arond that."

"But you deserve to be happy."

"No your son desvers to be happy. When he turns twenty-one Ill come back and reject him. Hopefully the moon goddess will bless him with another mate. One that he desvers. One that wont bring him anything but happiness."

Sienna shifted. This was an important topic and yet the child growing inside her had other ideas.

"You should really go finnd those mates of yours. The scent of you arousal is starting to bother me."

Sienna blushed, "Im so sick of being pregnant with this child! He is already causeing me problems and he's not even born!" Raven laughed, "Please just wait a few days before actaully leaving."

Raven shrugged. With help from Raven Sienna got up from the chair. She had a feeling that Raven wasnt going to wait a few days. She wondered as she made her way to the office where both Zack and Leo would be at this time of day. Should she tell her men about Raven being their son's mate? Maybe, there was no doubt that they would know that something was bothering her. It always irked her that they could read her like an open book. Without knocking she opened the door. Leo looked up at her from the desk, "Hey sweets." She walked over to him and gave him a kiss. Leo placed his hand on her belly, "Hey little guy." 

"Your son is causeing problems again."

Leo raised an eyebrow looking up at her from the chair, he leaned in close to her stomach, "Greyson what did dad and I tell you about bothering mommy." The baby kicked against his palm in response.

"See, problems." Sienna shifted. Leo smirked up at her.

"You smell so good right now sweets." Leo stood leaning in he place his lips on her neck. Sienna let out a moan of pleasure. The door opened and even though she heard it she was to far gone in the feeling to care.

"I leave you alone for one minute and find you two like this." Zack muttered. Sienna ignored him as her hand moved down her body until her hand was between her legs. She was thankful that she decided to wear a dress today. Her fingers slid over her tender flesh, Leo sucked at her neck, Zack made his way behind her. His arm made its way around her body unitl his hand rested over hers. He worked her fingers psuhing inside. Sienna moaned at the feeling as her fingers worked dipping deeper. Just as she was reaching the end Zack pulled her hand out and brought it to his mouth.

"So good as always. Leo the door." Zack held Sienna as Leo went to the bookshelf opening the door that lead to their playroom, "Do you know whats going to happen love, your goinng to suck off Leo as I take you from behind." He kissed her neck she leaned back against him her liquid desire dripping down her thighs.

She followed Leo down the stairs they stripped of their clothes quickly. Leo got on the bed giving her the come hither look and motioned with his finger. Sienna cralwed over to him her gaze on his already hard shaft. She took his base in her small hand and gave him a few pumps before she wet her lips and wrapped them around the head. Taking him deeper into her mouth, Sienna loved the feeling of both her men in her mouth. Their different sizes strected her mouth and her pussy in wonderful ways. Ocasionly her ass. She took him as deep as she could before letting out a moan. The vibrations from the moan caused him to groan out. Sienna pulled back letting her tonuge move along the silt of his cock. Leo fisted his hand in her hair. Pushing her down once again. She gagged on him slightly, drool coming out the edges of her mouth. Tears began to prick her eye but she didnt care.

Sienna felt Zack behind her as he gently gripped her waist, 'You know I like it rough dont hold back' Sienna linked him. Zack growled low in his throat.

'I dont want to hurt you or the baby'

'Illl let you know if it doies'

Zack fisted his cock as he swipped the head between her folds. One hand was still on her hip. The grip was tight but not to much that it was painful. Slowly he pushed inside. Sienna groaned she loved the way that he streched her out as his cock filled her. Sienna found it to focus. Zack stopped moving, "Contiue babygirl, you dont get to cum if Leo doenst."

Sienna worked Leo's cock his gripped tighten on her hair, Zack began pounding into her once again. The amount of pleasure she felt was undescribale. She could feel Leo's cock twitch and knew that he was close. Knowing that both he and Zack like it when they were surprised by her as she gave them head she gently scrapped her teeth along his shaft. That was enough to send him over the edge. Sienna swallowed as much of his cum as she could. Leo brought her face to his as he kissed her. Zack increased his speed and force. Sienna moaned out as she came around Zack's cock. Zacks grip on her waist tightened as he thrust a few time before emptyong himself inside her.

The three of them lay on the bed coming down from each of their climaxes. Leo brushed his fingers over her breast while Zack did the same to her hip bone, "Babygirl. You going to tell us whats bothering you?"

"Nothing now." She laughed.

"We've been mated for five years sweets we know you better then anyone else. So what the problem other then our son."

Sienna smirked at the comment about their son, that made her think of their other son, "Its about Raven. She told me that she is planning to leave."

"Why?" Zack asked. His breath on her back.

"She found out who her mate is."

"That's wonderful." Leo exclaimed.

"That's what I said to but..."

"Who is her mate babygirl?" Zack's voice held a tone she couldnt place.

"Hunter." She heard them both sigh, "We'll figure something out sweets. Just relax for now." She closed her eyes just enjoying their embrace. 

One human Two matesWhere stories live. Discover now