
Turns out I messed up as I said, I would, how? Well, I stupidly ended up spending 40 minutes in the bathroom. When I got out and I was told I had only 9 minutes, I almost dropped dead.

Between Dalia scolding me and Abigail, zipping me up in the dress, we all forgot my hair was still damp hence I forgot to wrap it in a towel. In the process of us three doing all these, it got stuck in the zipper.

This started another round of scolding and time wastage as Abigail tried to free my hair without scratching my skin and ruining the dress. We finally succeeded but at that time the back of the dress was now completely soaked.

Abigail had to return to outfit hunting while Dalia helped me out of the dress. Anyway, to cut the story short, I ended up donning black slacks, a white lacy blouse, and a black suit jacket that had a white embroidered front.

The buttons were left open as I power walked with Dalia to the vast hall and placed gingerly on Dante's right while she went to stand beside Victor her mate. In black six-inch heels, I was able to get to Dante's shoulder which boosted my agitated mood.

"You are late," he whispered in my ear as his arm snaked around my waist and pinned me to his side.

"I know, Einstein," I shot back and peeked at his handsome face and thought, God, was I lucky.

"You are sweating," he observed, clearly from my wet face that was bare of makeup. "Also what the hell are you wearing?"

"A pantsuit, Dante, don't act like the old man you are," I taunted, inhaling his cologne as I admired how his black suit hugged his biceps as he glared down at me. A grin spread on my lips as I came to the realization that we were donning matching attire and color.

"I'll have to do something about that mouth of yours," he growled, his grip tightening on my midriff as he went to murmur lowly. "Maybe filling it with my dick would do the trick."

I choked on my spit and I could have sworn he grinned triumphantly at that before he cleared his throat, causing the buzzing of the crowd around us to go silent. My nerves began going haywire as I observed he was about to announce my presence.

"Members of The Moonville Pack," He called in a domineering voice that had the spot between my thighs twitching in response. "Today, I present to you my mate," he paused, "and your future Luna."

There were applauds from the beautiful faces I saw before me, prompting a grin on my lips as the anxiety in my body eased. As the noise and excitement died down a hand was raised in the air.

"Speak, Arthur," he permitted. All eyes turned to the man in question and from my spot, I could discern he was old, which was rare for werewolves hence they hardly aged.

"What kind of being is our Luna?" The man named Arthur asked in a cocky voice. "A vampire?"

Gasps erupted at that and I wondered why as he went on, "A werewolf? A witch?" Everyone was silent giving him the needed silence to scoff as he inquired lastly, "or A human?"

I felt my fingers cramp at my sides as they formed into fists, my muscles tensing at the way he said it. Murmurs began in the room and I sighted a few shake their heads while some clustered together and said things I didn't want to know about.

"She's a human," Dante pronounced, putting a stop to their words and actions.

"A human?" This time it was a high-pitched female voice. The owner with blonde hair and a slender figure. "It would have been better if she was a vampire, at least we would know she had a semblance of supernatural powers and not some weak human who can easily be gotten rid of."

"Sad for you to compare strength with power," I boomed before I could help myself and even the stinging of Dante's fingers in my waist couldn't stop me as I continued. "I'm certain I can take you down if you choose to fight fairly without your fucking powers!"

That made her quiet and I felt satisfied when she cowered at my gaze and turned away. My eyes filtered around and I beamed, the anger vanishing the instant I spotted a certain kind man beside his ginger-haired wife.

"You heard her," Dante said in a chilly voice that had me swerving to catch sight of his jaw rigid, eyes almost the color of black, and lips curled in a sneer as he pinned Arthur with a death stare. "And if anyone has any objections, you can bring it out in the field for a spar, I promise, I'll be kind and let you choose which form."

Yikes! I feel sorry for Arthur, I could die if those words and face were directed at me.

My subconscious was right, even I felt scared as I saw a new side to Dante, a ruthless side Abigail had mentioned only once.

His words had the decided effect and after that, not one displeasure was raised and so he nodded grimly. "Good, you may now eat and drink to your heart's desires with an exception for the guards on duty."

At that, the buzzing began, but this time it was a happy one as smiles returned to the faces of everyone. I stood with Dante as pack members came to shake me and offered their support, either fake or not.

"I like how you put Arthur in his place, bastard always forgets this isn't like the 1700's, I'm older than him by a century and I still know how to keep up with the modern world," the voice of Ralph reached us together with his figure as he offered Dante a solid shake and whirled to smile at me. "You are exactly what we need Tanya."

"I knew it from the moment I saw her," Dalia chipped in as she materialized on my right as everyone was scattered around finding what to eat or drink.

"Also don't mind Courtney, she's just jealous," Daisy Ralph's wife uttered, hugging me. "Welcome to the pack."

"Thank you, Daisy." I hugged her back before she released me and walked off with Ralph. Swerving to Dalia I asked, "who's Courtney?"

"Dante's Ex, nothing to worry about," Victor responded, and bobbed his head at me in what seemed to be approval. "I like your outfit, good to see Dante finally met his match."

I didn't need a dictionary or someone to tell me the message behind his words because I understood it with all clarity. Dante mumbled something under his breath and pulled me away from the couple.

"Hmm?" I hummed, hoping he'd repeat.

"I don't like my past life being discussed by my best friend in front of my mate, so I'm dragging you away before my sister says more stupid things." He spoke and directed us to other pack members whom we exchanged pleasantries with.


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