“I hope.” I breathed leaning my head against the cool glass.

10 or so minutes later everyone was on the plane and we were rolling down the runway getting ready to take off. I closed my blind not wanting to see. You could hear the noise of the jet engines whirling around as we went faster. There was little bumps before it was smooth again. “You did it.” Niall grinned looking over at me. I let out the breath I was holding in and giggled. “Open your blind.”

I opened it and looked out the window, it looked beautiful. The city was completely lit up and you could see it all from where we were. “Amazing right?” He whispered, his chin resting on my shoulder as he looked out the window. I nodded not wanting to look away.

“Is it nice in Ireland? Will I like it?” I asked after a few minutes.

“Yeah course it is!” He chuckled. “It’s beautiful; if we have time I’ll take you around to some of my favorite places.”

“Oh yay!” I cheered. I had always wanted to go to Ireland, being I was from there, but never really had the opportunity to go.

“Get some rest Kaylee, it’s going to be a busy next few days. Greg says there’s a lot of people staying at our house… I hope not too many.” He groaned sitting back.

“It’s okay, but you need to get some rest too.” I smiled rubbing his arm.

“Yeah, hey, does your mum know you came with me?” He questioned looking at me, his eyebrows furrowed together.

“Uh no… I don’t really care, it’s not like she does.” I sighed resting my head on his shoulder. “I don’t want to talk about it, just go to sleep.”

“Can I at least get comfy, I don’t really have room.” He laughed nudging my head off his shoulder. I groaned sitting up and looking at him. He put the arm rest up and leaned his seat back a bit, not having to worry about anyone behind him.

“Okay c’mere.” He smirked holding his arm out. I giggled and sat closer to him nuzzling my face into his side as he put his arm around me. “Hey no biting!” He squeaked as I bit down on his side. I looked up at him and giggled, he just shook his head laughing.

“Night Ni.” I giggled wrapping my arms around his waist.

“Goodnight Kaylee.”

Niall’s P.O.V.

“Kaylee passed out about an hour ago, but I couldn’t fall asleep. I had too much on my mind. I’d be home in a  matter of hours and I just don’t know if I can do it. It’s going to be so hard seeing my mum and my brother… even my family… I wish this never happened. I wish I was back in America with the boys on tour.

“Excuse me sir, blanket?” The flight attendant smiled sweetly holding out a blanket. I nodded and took it.

“Uh actually can I have another one for her?” I asked looking over at Kaylee. She nodded pulling out another one. “Thank you.” I draped the blanket over Kaylee she cuddled in closer to me. I took mine placing it over my legs considering Kaylee was all over my upper half.

I laid my head back closing my eyes praying that I could just go to sleep and everything would go away.


“Ladies and Gentlemen please put your seats in the upright position we are landing shortly.” The sound of the captains voice rang through the cabins. I groaned opening my eyes.

Somehow in the course of the night my seat managed to go all the way down and Kaylee was sprawled on top of me, snoring lightly next to my ear. Aw.

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