Ch. 10 - Girl Stuff

Start from the beginning

I hang up the phone immediately. "Zander, drive me home."

"In a second," he says. "I'm about to win."

"No, now! My mother is telling him about the period!"

Sam covers her mouth in horror. "No! Not the period story!"

Zander chuckles, "I remember that. You ran down the hallway screaming that your butt was-"

"Zander!" I run over to the computer and exit the match. "Now!"

He holds up his hands and pulls his keys out of his pocket. "I'm going as fast as I can. You didn't have to exit the-"

"The period story!" I repeat to emphasize that my mom is ruining the tiny spec of a love life I had left.

Zander and I leave Sam's in a sprint to his car. He drops his keys and struggles to pick them up from the driveway.

"Zander," I whine, stomping my foot. "Now is not the time for you to be such a dork!"

He puts his hands to his hips, the keys still on the ground. "You know, I have feelings!"

"I know. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. Now can you pick up the keys?" I ask in a rushed voice.

He thinks for an agonizingly long time. "I'm not really feeling the sorrow with that one, Riles."

"Can you please hurry because I'm your best friend and you love me?" I smile innocently. "And I love you?"

A smile breaks out on his face and he bends down to get the keys. "But just so we're clear, what happened in sixth grade stays in sixth grade."

"Deal," I laugh and get into the car.

"I love you, Riley, but never will I be able to love you the way I did then," he says, sighing as he reminisces.

I roll my eyes. "Just hurry."

My dear friend Zander Harris is the world's slowest driver. In Boy Scouts, his derby car was so slow that he got an award. Record slowness.

"Slow and steady wins the race."

"Fast and unstable gets Riley a boyfriend!" I shoot back.

We arrive at my house ten minutes later rather than the five minutes it should've taken. I jump out of the car after giving Zander a fist bump.

"Thanks, Zand!" I head into my house, closing the front door with a bang. "I'm home!"

Wren pops his head out from around the corner, a gleeful look on his face. I push him out of the way and march into the kitchen.

I'm slightly relieved to see that Asher is still here, though I'm a bit apprehensive in not knowing what stories my mother has shared.

"Riley," my mom gasps, "there you are!"

"Hey," I say breathily, taking a seat at the counter. "Hi, Asher."

Asher smiles warmly, as though I didn't just ditch him at the pier after he asked me too be his girlfriend. "Hi, Riley."

"Asher showed up here an hour ago or so thinking you'd be home. Where were you?"

"Sam's." I look down at the counter. "Just needed to talk to her about.. girl stuff."

"Oh, your mother and I talked about girl stuff as well."

I blush, my eyes wide as I look at Asher. He smirks, winking slyly when my mom isn't looking.

"Thanks for that one, mom," I mumble. "Asher, do you want to go upstairs?"

He nods and stands up from his chair. My mother sprints in front of him and holds out her hands.

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