Chapter 1

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"........ the blood from pulmonary artery goes to..."

Jungkook was trying to pay attention in class, just trying. He couldn't focus on the lecture. From morning he seemed to have this antsy feeling. He was restless. He tried to keep his gaze fixed on the smart board in front of him but instead, he was consumed by a sense of uneasiness.

This new sensation was entirely unyielding, and it was causing him to feel apprehensive. His leg bounced up and down relentlessly, and he let out a deep sigh in frustration. To distract his mind, he turned his gaze to the window to admire the stunning beauty of the sky, but his wandering thoughts persisted throughout the day.

Normally, he would have spent his time lost in the mesmerizing beauty of the clouds and the endless blue sky. But today, his thoughts were all over the place, and he couldn't identify the root cause of his unyielding unease. His mind was in chaos, and he struggled to make sense of the jumbled mess of thoughts that had been tormenting him since morning.

He was lost in thought when he felt a gentle tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see his friend, Jay, looking at him with concern.

"Is everything alright?" Jay asked, sensing his friend's restlessness.

With a small smile, he whispered, "I'm fine."

Jay didn't buy it, of course. He knew him just too well for his good. Before the other could even open his mouth, the bell rang. The students started making their way out of the classroom and towards the canteen.

Jungkook and Jay also packed up and went towards the canteen.

The walk to the canteen was short and Jungkook felt the antsy feeling returning, with double force. He felt that going to the canteen right now was a bad idea. Call it his sixth sense but he knew, somehow, that the canteen was not safe. His heartbeat picked up an unsteady speed as he watched students filling up the place. He shuddered as dread filled him up.

As he spun around to face Jay, his feet faltered beneath him, and he almost lost his balance. "We can't go there," he stammered out, his breaths coming in short, labored gasps that left him feeling light-headed.

Jay regarded him with a look of confusion etched across his face. "What do you mean we can't go there?"

"We can't go in there, Jay," he gulped down his fear and grasped his friend's arms tightly, "we need to leave immediately, Jay. Something just doesn't feel right..."

Jay reached out to console his friend, "Woah- calm down, Kookie. We won't go there, okay?. Just take a deep breath and try to relax." Jay could feel the tension radiating from his friend's body, so he placed a reassuring hand on his back, hoping to ease his fears. Gradually, he felt the frantic pounding of his friend's heart begin to slow, and his breathing became more measured and controlled.

When Jungkook opened his mouth to tell his friend that he was all right and maybe suggest him to eat out in the campus garden for today, his gaze was caught by a captivating sight in the corner of the hallway. At first, it seemed like a dark cloud, but the mist cleared and revealed a butterfly. The tiny creature was enchanting, with wings as black as the night sky, speckled with delicate white dots that resembled a starry constellation. Entranced by its beauty, both of them watched as the butterfly innocently fluttered above them.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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