Time for Parents

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*End of School*
The last bell rang signaling that I was free from this hell hole they call school. I quickly walked to my locker where a couple girls were standing at it flipping their hair and batting their eye lashes at me. I paid them no attention and opened my locker beginning to take all my things out. I soon felt a presence behind me and I already knew who it was. I smirked at myself knowing he couldn't stay away from me. I closed my locker and turned around so I was facing him. Jack was standing there looking like a sex god in his clothing and I wish I could see him without them on but that would be for another time. I cocked my head to the side and give him a smile.
"Wow Jacky couldn't stay away could we now" He nodded his head at me not saying anything. I pushed myself against him so my body was molded against his and I could feel everything. As if on instinct his hand found their way to my waist but that's no fun. I started slowly pushing his hands down till they were down to my butt. His eyes look like they glazed over and I knew he had checked out. Wow who knew a butt could have such magical powers.
"Jacky you know I don't like when you don't talk to me. Now tell how you couldn't stay away from me" he opened his mouth and his voice came out in a low whisper.
"I couldn't stay away from you" I gave him a bright smile and pushed him away from me. He soon came back to reality and looked lost for a second.
"Well that's great to hear. Jacky I'm so tired would you mind holding my books for me please"He nodded his head so fast I thought it would pop right off his head. He started grabbing my books almost dropping one but catching it. I then slid off my backpack and handed that to him. It was actually quite the sight, he was holding all his things and on top of that he had all my books and my bag to carry. I could see that he was trying hard not to drop anything and keep up with me. I purposely walked fast so he would have more trouble keeping up. I didn't even know where I was going the fact that Jack was following like a lost puppy was satisfaction enough. After about ten minutes I found myself standing in front of my house. Now that I think about it I've been to Jack's house but he hasn't been to mine. Should I let him in, but that means he will have to meet my parents. I mean my parents aren't homophobes they are totally cool with me being gay what I'm scared of is the fact they will attack him with questions. However I could have a lot of fun messing with Jack on my own home turf. I took a deep breath and turned around and faced him.
"You want to come in" I said it casually like it meant absolutely nothing to me, but in the inside I was freaking out. He stared at me for a second and nodded his head slowly.
"Ok but I'm warning you now my parents are going to going to ask you some weird questions" He had a scared look on his face almost like he was nervous, but I was gone just as quick as it came.
"Babe don't you know I'm the best with parents" He gave me a cocky smile and winked at me.
"Ok but don't say I didn't warn you" I pulled my keys out my pocket and slid them in the door pushing it open. We walked in and I closed the door behind Jack, I saw his wondering eyes looking around my house taking everything in. I looked in the living room and didn't see my parents but then I heard pots clanging in the kitchen. I told jack to put his and my stuff on the floor and began walking towards the kitchen. When I walked I saw both my parents working around the kitchen cutting vegetables and throwing spices into a cooking pot of something that smelled delicious. My mom was the first to notice us she smiles at us and walks over wiping her hands on her shirt. My dad follows right behind her not showing any emotion on his face.
"Mom Dad this is my ummm my ummmm well you see this unmm this my Jack, Jack this is my mom and dad" Ughhhh DAMN WHO EVEN SAYS THAT MY JACK WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME. Jack flashes an award winning smile and reaches out to shake my parents hands they both shake it I think my dad squeezed a little hard coming from the little ouch jack let out. My mom looked Jack up and down with a straight face but soon the smile was back.
"I like him" my mom smiled at my dad. Ok so this isn't going horrible at all now we just need to get through dad. My dad looked Jack up and down cocking his head a little.
"I have a few questions for Jack is that ok with you" he directed this at Jack who smiled politely and nodded his head.
"Of course sir ask anything" Wow so maybe things will actually be ok I let out the breath of air I was holding in internally smiling to myself.
"Jack are you having sex with my son" I think I nearly passed out when the words left his mouth.
I don't know what has gotten into Jack he has this whole new attitude to him. Now don't get me wrong I think it's totally hot how he's been taking control and basically making me putty in his hands, but I kinda miss the little shy boy who was to afraid to talk. Right now I'm holding all his stuff and were standing outside his house he seems to be deep in thought when he turns around and ask me if I want to come in. Oh no am I ready to meet his parents what if I say something stupid and they hate me. Get it together Jack remember who you are you're The Jack Gilinsky boys and girls are in love with you and parents love you. I give him a flirty smile and wink at him and nod my head. He tells me to be ready for them to bomb me with questions, but honestly what's the worst that could happen. We go in his house and check the place out its a nice house with pictures everywhere I set the bags down and we make our way to the kitchen. His mom is the first to walk over to us with his dad following behind. She has a really comforting feel about her and I instantly like her. Jack starts introducing me but when he goes to tell them about me he seems at a loss of words until finally he chooses My Jack. Hmmm I kinda like the sound of that. His mom looks me up and down and I get a little nervous. However, she says she likes me so that's one parent just one to go. His dad looks me up and down and ask me if he can ask me some questions which I agree to. I give him a polite smile waiting for his first question.
"Are you having sex with my son" My smile is gone in an instant I look at Jack and I'm scared he might pass out.
"Of course not sir"
"So you don't want to have sex with my son is he not good enough for you"
"No sir I would love to have sex with your son" as the words leave my mouth I know I fucked up. His face gets red with anger and I want to go die in a hole.
"ARE YOU PRESSURING MY SON TO HAVE SEX" I look over to his mom and she seems to be amused with this whole situation.
"SIR I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE SEX WITH YOUR SON BUT NOT UNTIL HES READY" His dad's face loses its anger and he just stares at me.
"Do you drive a motorcycle" I shake my head violently at him letting him know I don't.
"Do you have a criminal record"
"No sir" it goes quiet for a little bit until his dad's face turns into a bright smile.
"Ok Jack you're in the clear you boys have a good time" I breath out a sigh of relief and smile back at him Jack gives a small smile and starts walking away I began walking behind him when his dad calls me.
"Oh and Jack if you hurt my baby boy just know I will destroy you" He says this all with smile on his face. I nod my head following Jack.
Unmm so yeah sorry for not updating schools almost out so I've been a busy bee. What did you guys think of the chapter. Can we try 25 votes maybe. I promise once school is over I'll be consistent.
Well until next time
Stay Weird

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⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2015 ⏰

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