Chapter 2 (Revised 6/25/2023)

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The next morning we arrived at the Lycan Coliseum wearing black sweatpants and a white T-shirt, as instructed. We walk inside. The families not participating are taken to the stands to observe. The fighters all stand along the wall inside the coliseum. A Lycan emerges in the middle, "Hello, my name is Lycan Scott.  I was requested to set up a course. We will start with the intelligence test.

A voice calls out, "Carson. You might as well leave." Carson flips him off."

Scott replies, "Enough. We have tables marked by last name initials: A-E; F-K; L-Q, R-S, and T-Z.  You will sign in and be given a number. That number will be pinned on your back by our various assistants." We all started walking toward our assigned tables. I heard a couple of growls and saw two of my warriors growling when a single male went to pin the number on their mate.

Scott said, "Warning, hold your tempers if you see the opposite sex pinning the number on your mate's back. Anyone who gets angry will be escorted off the field and thrown in the hole for one week."

There were a couple of mates who were in line together in front of me. They did try to take the numbers from Lycan's assistant and place them on each other. Lycan Scott said, "No, that is their job."

It was then I realized this was part of the test. I linked everyone, "Calm down. This is part of the test. It is about controlling your wolf even when giving orders you do not like. Even our alphas and betas have to concede sometimes. If your mate cannot control your mates' actions, that can make you a poor leader."

I heard Wanda growl, "My mate is supposed to control me? We are equals. Better be glad I am in the stands, or you will be in trouble, Beta Frank."

I laughed, "I did not say, male control female. You two can help control each other's anger. It can be done with words. It can be done with a memory. It can be with touch. Yet at the same, you have to be aware of what is going on around you. For example, the assistants purposely feel your mate to see who loses control. You need to growl at them in a warning and tell them to learn their place."

A few pack members stated, "But their power outranks me."

"Exactly, they are looking for leaders. Show them you are a warrior, and do not be afraid to admit you are not a leader. Call our alpha or the councilman, asking permission to remove that person. This way, it shows you got discipline and respect toward leadership. You are trying not to cause a war."

I look around. "It also will save you from being placed in the dungeon. Look at the Lycan guard. They are waiting for someone to get into a fight. Don't give them that satisfaction."

"How did you notice that?" someone asked.

"As someone without a mate, I can easily see this part of the test. Look around. You see, the Lycan is expecting fights to break out. They are smirking and looking forward to it. They are also waiting to see if any mateless wolves will proposition them. If you say yes, you will fail. I am saying Cayenne Mountain Pack, don't give them the reason to see anyone here fail. We have our differences, but we should never let outsiders influence them. They currently are trying to influence how we all behave."

I could see a few wolves struggling. "Alpha Bruno?" I call out to him.

"I am just Bruno here. We are all on equal footing."

"I still feel your power and pull. I request permission for any assistant trying to take liberties with our pack members to snap their fingers if they run their hand on any member's private areas. I see they like what they are doing with our pack members. They are crossing the line of our mated pairs. They seem to want to incite a fight."

Scott says, "Just pin the damn numbers on without crossing the line." He looks at me, "We are trying to test reactions to situations here too."

"My reaction, sir, is to defend and help my pack. They deserve respect even in testing, and your assistance was going too far. They are going too far by being disrespectful to those with mates."

I started hearing murmurs. Mates start talking to each other and ignore what's happening around them. Those of us without mates pay attention to what is going on just in case they throw in another test.

A few single wolves try to lure us away to a corner. Some of the mated couples then stepped up to help them.  If they do that, it would be an automatic fail. Standing in line for numbers is part of their test. We refused to help them. One assistant approached Bruno, and I heard Wanda growl from the stands.

Bruno's eyes turned black, "I heard Councilman Scott say without crossing the line. This is your only warning. You cross again, and I am granting permission for Frank to break their fingers. Plus, escort you to the dungeons."

Over what should have been 20 minutes, the Lycan spread this event into a little over an hour to try to push buttons.

We were then given a packet and told to sit at a table with it. Lycan Scott said, "You all did great at getting your numbers. I could see a bunch of linking going on. I also saw others taking turns watching the groups. I saw no one give in to temptation. There were a few whom they noted did struggle to keep control. However, Frank and Bruna seem to take control of those issues.  We did write down the numbers of those who struggled. That part of the test was 10 points. Those who struggled got a 5-point deduction, but no one broke."

Just then, a younger-looking version of Scott walked up to him. "If you did not guess, Councilman Scott is my uncle. I am called Connor, and I am new to the council. I recently took over Elder, aka Luan Hutton's spot.  Many of you know he became the official mate to Alpha Jocelyn about six months ago."

I knew that remark.was meant for me. I laughed, "Jocelyn and I have worked things out. She even joined me in counseling. I encouraged her and Hutton to do their mating vowels.  Even though I did not deserve it, I have been informed I will one day get a second chance. Thank you for trying to get a reaction out of me."

He smiled at me, "That is part of my job." He looked around. "I am a Lycan, as you all can tell. I was the one who suggested this test to show leadership skills can help you control anger. My job will be to push you emotionally, intellectually, and physically. This is not a kill event.  I will ask you to be honest with yourself. If you feel you are not a leader but a fighter, I request you follow Councilman Scott out the door. He will take you to the fighting rings where just fighting skills will be tested.  Based on those results, you will be placed in specialties training. Some of you might just be warriors. Others might have the skills to do tracking, hunting, scouting, and enforcement. Etc.  No matter your choice, your pack will be better for it."

He looks around the room, "Based on skills, by the end of this week, we can tell you who should be where.  I called Lycan from the southern section to run the test. I asked them not to send anyone who knew your pack. They will only know you by number."

He looked around. "I know a couple of you must of lead that experiment with getting your numbers. I have seen this test done before, and we usually end up with some collared and in jail."

"Uncle Scott, please go to the exit door.  We currently have you seated in rows. The people in the last rows, please stand up. Suppose you're more interested in warrior training, head toward my uncle. If you're more interested in the leadership skill assessment, go toward the red door in the front corner. You will be given a pencil and an envelope. Go through the red door and find a seat. Do not open the envelope until I join you."

It took about thirty minutes to get everyone in their spots.  Connor walks into the room just as e all claimed our spots.

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