Chapter 1 (revised 06/19/2023)

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Alpha Bruno stood with his arms around his mate, Luna Wanda. Their three-year-old daughter was running around their feet. I stood off the side, waiting for him to start with the pack meeting.

"I know many of you have disapproved of me having Beta Frank as second in command. You felt someone who needed counseling is weak in body and mind."

The pack murmured, some in agreement and others in disagreement. When Beta Frank came into my office today, he said he was considering stepping down." A few members started howling. Alpha Bruno roared, "SILENCE DAMN YOU."

His three-year-old, Christine, got up and walked to the front of the stage. "You all should be the shame of yourself. My daddy and Uncle Bruno spend more time with you to make you strong. Are you saying Daddy is wrong? You all should get down on your knees and ask forgiveness." She then marched over to Daddy and said, "Up."

He lifted her and turned around to show her that more than half the pack had knelt at her command. "You all stand up and look at her. Your future alpha is only three years old and realizes the wrong you have done. You question my ruling and his ruling. You doubt our leadership.

I contacted the supernatural council, and they are setting up a course. All male and female Warrior who has a wolf will be going through this course. It will test all our skills. It is a course that Lycan has to pass to prove intelligence, endurance, and strength. I have heard it is a challenging course, and most fail. Once knocked out, you can go into the coliseum seats and watch the others."

He looked at his mate, and she nodded her head at him, "We all will leave as a pack tomorrow. The families will be able to watch. Before I dismiss you, I need to make a couple more announcements." Everyone turned and looked at him. "This might be my last pack meeting then." The pack gasped, "I have decided that whoever scores in the top three will become the leader. The person in first place will be alpha, the one in second place will be beta, and third place will be delta." More gasps were heard.

"Ladies, those of you who are pregnant will not be able to participate in this event. However, if after your pup is born and the doctor clears you, then you can request to enter that course with no consequences. This will mean that Luna Wanda will be one of the she-wolves who is exempt because the doctor confirmed earlier today she is expecting our second child."

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