Chapter 13 -Brunch-

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Sorry another skippy chap + a random pretty picture

The next morning rose bright and fast as the dashing sun. Drizzling through the curtains, unable to hold back their purifying brightness.

Unlike most days, Shouto was actually ready for the days beginning. Tiptoeing around the hotel he packed up for the both of them, just to help out, but also, impart due to a surprise he'd planned.

Well, sort of planned. Whatever.

Last night while the family was hanging around the hotel, he took up a quiet conversation with his brother, expressing that he'd like to do something nice for their mom before they left. Obviously, living there Touya had an extent of knowledge about good places to eat and see around the city, making him an optimal source for this kind of question. It was this conversation that led him to the idea of taking her out to low-key brunch after the wild night.

Touy' had suggested this place called Wisteria, a little coffee shop on the way to the airport. Ideal for a chill outing before their long travels home.

Passing a mirror while he packed up, he could see a quiet smile paint his cheeks, the anticipations of a nice day ahead.

Just as he zipped up their bags, a noise stirred from behind him, a faint yawn.

"Good morning Maman." He murmured, shoving the packed suitcase beside the door, and bringing over a pair of clothes he'd set aside on the foot of her bed.

"Oh, good morning sweetie," Glancing at the clock, she swung her legs off the bedside, slowly waking.

"How'd you sleep?"

"Fine, fine, sweetie- oh... did you... pack up already?" Her eyes crossed the completely room, it's only flaw, the messy bed she'd slept in.

"Yeah, woke up early." Laughing, he tried to brush off the minor deed as nothing. "So, um, I was thinking, Touya told me about this brunch spot not to far from here, are you interested? I'm kinda hungry."

"Brunch? Sho, dear, I'd love to, but can I wake up first?" Backing off he tried to relax, despite the energy from being up for two hours prior.

Later that morning, the two checked out of their room and headed out for some food.
Their flight wasn't until five thirty so, leaving at ten, they'd still have plenty of time to eat and make it to the airport in time.

With the slam of his car door, Shouto tucked his keys in his pocket, and stepped out onto the sidewalk. Like a respectful boi, he made his way around to the other side of the car to help his mom out.

Her soft laugh permeated the gusty breeze, tousling her silken hair as she accepted the outstretched hand.

"Ha, such a gentleman." Rei teased, her opposite hand covering her amused smile.

"You're funny Maman." Playfully rolling his eyes, he locked the car and led her inside.

Inside, the shop lay still in the haze of flittering sunlight dashing through the windows. A handful of people sat on laptops with various drinks beside them to aid their differing work. Everything about the place was clean yet inviting, soft purple hues and decorative wisteria covered the interior, not overbearing though, a floral scent subtly permeating the calm environment.

The cashier offered a little greeting, pointing around the menu for house specials and whatnot. Rei, in spite of the lengthy suggestion list, decided to just have a matcha latte, one her favorites. Contrary to that, her son decided to venture out a little and try their wisteria tea, 'cause 'why not' he guessed.

The two employees there were lovey people adding to the overall experience. All in all it kind of reminded Shouto of the coffee shop back home, just... not the same. Man, in two days he'd grown a homesickness like nobody's business, their cozy apartment, work, even the café across the street, he missed it all.

Moving past that, the two grabbed a table and took a seat, two cheese croissants in hand. Even from across the café the sunlight's entrancing warmth could be felt enveloping the room in a feeling that can only be described as a cheery hum.

Their drinks were ready soon after, each as delicious as they were pretty, Rei's even having a little dusting of matcha powder in the shape of a heart.

Yet, still an inexplicable longing for coffee shop back home loomed in his chest through their lighthearted conversation, some element, familiarity possibly, gave a dull ache in his heart. Simply put, heartache, the only question really, was what for. The answer elusive, almost to a frustrating degree.

Nonetheless, he was having a great time and a small bought of dismay wasn't going to ruin the  delightful day.

The two spent the rest of their morning, joking around, going through business ideas, and looking around at some inspirational florists on social media.

Quite a morning of whimsy.

It couldn't last forever though. In order to catch their flight the two headed to the airport around four-ish. TSA wasn't horrible today and they made it to the terminal in an hour, with around ten minutes to spare.

With a great relief the flight went smoothly. Well, as smoothly as any travel situation could go. This particular flight, unlike their last, had a layover in Osaka, where the connection flight ended up delayed an hour later than expected, causing a slight annoyance, but in the scheme of stupid airport shit, it was nothingness.

Though writing magic may make it seem like this travel was a short and sweet affair that'd arrive with time for dinner, it was in fact a sorcery. Their flight dragged on to eleven at night, when the stars had long arose and the heaviness of their eyelids made a bodybuilder look weak.

Absolutely drained of energy by the time they arrived home, the family dropped their bags on the floor, put on some pjs and gave the most half-hearted 'goodnight' before tumbling into their fluffy beds. Jetlagged to hell, they agreed that Rei would take the next day off before their beds consumed them to sleep.


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