A Talk and A Message

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Lucis 8:26 a.m.

Regis didn't know what to do.

Niflheim had his son.

One of his deepest fears had come true.

He sat at a table in his chambers, Cor was at his side distracted by calls on his communicator ear piece. Regis just sat deep in thought angry, saddened, and fearful all for his son's sake. He allowed his mind to wonder into a place he had denied access. He was beginning my wonder if it was a mistake, if all of it was a huge mistake.

He was already a walking ghost, a spirit that had seen everything fall. He preferred resting over what he was going through now, he preferred being with his family and his friends without all of the burdens. He knew he was beginning to regret the choice he had made, he was losing the new hope he had, it was all turning into regret.

The ring began to glow a vibrant blue, and before he knew it time slowed again. He wasn't sure what he was expecting when he was fully in his ancestors realm, but he surly wasn't expecting silence. The spirits of his ancestors seemed to glow brighter then normal.

"Why is it that you loose hope Regis?" said a voice.

Regis couldn't tell who had spoken, there was only the regular high Lucii visible to him. But as a new spirit came into view Regis recognized him with a glance it was king Mors his father.

"I am beginning to think my choice was a grave mistake," Regis spoke with tired disappointment.

"I will assume that you have forgotten what I told you once, long before you first claimed the throne." Mors voice was comforting to hear for Regis.

Hearing his father's voice and being before his ancestors he actually began to feel young once again. Even if he couldn't accept that fact as he had grown older it didn't bother him how it did before. He was reminded of his father's time of ruling every time he heard his voice.

He remembered that he was once young and even if he was older physically he was young to them spiritually. Which also concluded the fact that he was already one of them. The burdens of the ring didn't bother him every time he spoke to his ancestors for guidance.

One thing all Lucis Caelums were told before they were given the ring was that while the ring carried heavy burdens it also had its blessings. The ring was not just an artifact that allowed its wielders control of the Crystal, it was a heirloom. Only family was allowed to use it, and only family could enter the Luciis realm for guidance.

"You have told me many wondrous things, many that still continue to give me inspiration and guidance. Yet I do not recall anything you have told me that would calm my fears and regret." As always Regis was reminded he was a lot older physically but he was surrounded by much older and wiser beings.

"Then I shall tell you once more, when a king makes his choices it is always with reason. Be it a choice for a tyrant or a benevolent king a choice is always made with value. Should that king regret his choice it is because that choice has failed him. Until he knows his choice has failed him then he shall not have regret. You Regis among all of us know this more then we ever will." Mors reminded Regis.

Regis felt his regret leaving him, but his disappointment remained. Of all his ancestors it was only his father that could direct proper guidance. Mors knew Regis more then Regis knew himself, that would have explained why the Lucii had Mors speak with him.

He wouldn't argue that it worked his father was right. Regis had made the biggest choices, choices that he didn't want to make. Yet those past choices had to be made in order for the prophecy take place. He was beginning to see why it was him that was given the choice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2022 ⏰

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