The Kings and the Truth

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Regis could feel the freedom.

After everything he, his son, and his ancestors had been through he was finally set free.

He was free from the pain of the power, he was free of having to worry for his son, he was free from the ring of the Lucii. He was free to be reunited with his queen and his family.

He thought of this as the best moment he had ever had, but of course like all of his life every perfect thing is ruined. It was ruined when The Mystic came to him.

"Young King," spoke the Mystic.

Regis had never accepted the reality of being called the young king. Even if it were true, the Mystic and all of his other ancestors were much elder and wiser then him.

They went from his father King Mors to his two thousand years old ancestor who had been known as the Mystic. It never mattered how old he felt he would always be a sapling to the trees next to him. He just could never accept the reality of it, as he was old they called him young.

"Why do you come?" Regis asked.

"I have come to reveal the truth, and to offer," The Mystic sounded almost as if he were confessing something.

"Reveal and offer of what?" Regis grew suspicious of his ancestor.

"The truth of the past and the offer of a future that was taken by my actions," The Mystic seemed grim.

"Why is it that you have come to me?" Regis's patience was growing thin which was something he had very much of as a former king.

"It was my mistakes of the past that has effected, both yours and the Chosen's future. It was my envious rage that had led to my brothers corrupted form, the corrupted form that has cost your son his life." The Mystic was downhearted.

"Your brother? Surely you don't speak of..." Regis couldn't say anything more. The Mystic had ruined the truly peaceful moment, he had just confessed to having had caused the creation of the accursed monster.

The same monster that had hid himself as the chancellor of his former kingdoms enemy. The exact same monster that had caused his very son to have a doomed destiny. Deep within Regis's spirit the anger had begun.

"I know your true feelings young king, I know what you must be thinking of me. I know of what I had done, and I do not ask of you forgiveness only understanding." The Mystic spoke as if expecting what would happen."While I feel great regret of what I had done to my brother, he was too blinded by his ambition to see what he was becoming. He was failing to see the truth of the world, and even if I had acted rashly I just could not allow the world to become as it was, an internal darkness."

Regis didn't say a word, even now in the after life free of the ring and burdens he was speechless.

After a moment he began to realize the truth, "Then the Cosmogony it was nothing more then a lie," Regis said to himself.

"Not all of it, the true story was never told, the rest was the future of the Chosen king, however part of it remains true with the pact of Titan and the storys of the messengers." "Even so, it would still not reverse the consequences of what I had done, but what I offer will." The Mystic said.

"What would ever be enough to undo what has been already done," Regis spoke with disappointment.

Almost everything that was told to generations of both his family and his kingdom had been lies. Everything but the gods and the messengers wasn't true, but that's not what hurt him. What hurt Regis was that his son's and the Oracle's, destiny was written in many books in front him and he didn't know it.

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