Investigation of the Truth

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The entire throne room was completely silent as the so called 'chancellor' left.

Regis wasn't sure if it was because of his angry out burst or because of what he had said that had caused the tense silence.

However, he was very certain on what he would have to change next, Titus Drautos the man who had killed him would be exposed.

"Your Majesty," came the voice of Lord Scientia. Regis was silent to his council, they all had their attention to him. "Was it your intention to mention a spy, or do you truly know of..." Ignis's uncle trailed off.

Regis knew they could tell by his expression, he didn't even try to hide the look of hatred and betrayal. After everything he and his son had been through he had finally had enough. One change would come after another. Regis would not allow Insomnia to fall, not again.

"There is indeed a spy among us," Regis's voice was loud enough for everyone in the room to hear. The entire royal council began to argue among themselves, all but Clarus. Clarus as the shield and friend of the king knew full well that there was something strange happening to his old friend. He could see something in the kings eyes that he had only seen a few times before ,Betrayal and Anger.

"Silence!" Regis yelled, "I will have the matter addressed, but as of now we must discuss the empires actions."

After hours the meeting came to an end, with some of the council members disappointed in the kings choice. They had all argued why they should or should not accept Niflheims offer of peace.

Some had agreed with the king while others believed it was a bad decision to decline an offer that would come only once. They all wanted nothing more then to put an end to the war, but none of them knew what the future held for each of them. All except for the king, and The Mystic.

Regis was accompanied by Clarus to his office. As the king he had business and other matters that needed organized, approved, or that just needed some attention. Once they had arrived at the office Regis became cold and serious.

"Clarus, there is a very urgent matter concerning the spy," Regis sat at his desk while Clarus observed him carefully.

"Forgive me for asking Regis, but how have you come to terms that there is a spy amongst us? I as the shield am in charge of all security, if there truly is a spy I would have noticed." Clarus asked.

Clearly there was something Regis knew that Clarus didn't, he didn't like that one bit. If Regis himself had to notice the spy and Clarus who had the soul purpose of protecting him didn't have a clue of the matter, there was for sure something missing. But Clarus felt that if it were true he would feel as if he had failed as the kings shield

Regis just observed his shield for moment thinking of what to say, "My reasons are difficult to explain I can only say the Lucii have given me a warning," both a lie and the truth. "That warning has to deal with Titus Drautos as General Glauca and some of the glaives working under him for the empire." Regis couldn't help but say the last part in cold hatred and anger.

"What! I knew Niflheims sudden retreat was strange, but if it truly involves Titus working as Niflheims General and the glaives for that matter not only is the Citadels security breached both yours and the princes safety could be at risk." Clarus suddenly realized one of the reasons why Regis was upset, Noctis Regis's only son could be in danger.

"I want a full investigation into Titus Drautos and the Kingsglaive at once," Regis demanded. Clarus recognised Regis's tone, it was not the tone of a king. It was the tone of a friend asking, almost begging him to do a favor.

"I will see to it at once," Clarus nodded and left the room temporarily, he got his communicator which he used for security measures.


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