Anger and Suspense

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Regis stopped breathing for a split second.

Time was slowing down, everything was silent around him.

He could feel everyone around him stare in shock.

His Armigear was spinning around him, but his main sword the one that had been given to Noctis before now impaled Drautos.

The battle had raged on in the throne room, it wasn't until the rest of the Niflheim guards and Drautos were down when they arrived at the scene. They had all witnessed it the royal council, Nyx, Libertus, Crowe, and Cor had watched as the king stabbed the traitor.

It wasn't something that he was proud of, yet it wasn't something he was disappointed in.

Things had went from bad to worse, first Titus had began his attack in his armor. Then it had gotten worse as human Niflheim soldiers had somehow gotten into the Citadel. Regis knew it had something to do with both the Accursed and Titus teaming up.

"Holy shit," Libertus was the one to break the silence as everyone just stared at the king. All attention went to Libertus for a moment then back to the king.

Regis could suddenly feel his bad leg give out, he would have collapsed but luckily both Crowe and Nyx grabbed onto the kings arms keeping him up. Cor immediately ran to his side noticing the all of the blood on his shoulder and part of his head.

"You damn-" Cor cut himself off before he could say something he would have regretted. Instead he growled and turned away from Regis reminded of the fact that he had been separated from Clarus, Gladio, and Noctis. The Lucii stood forward, and the Mystic began to speak directly to Regis.

"The traitor is dead, but I fear another challenge is yet to rise young king," said the voice of the Mystic. Regis looked at the statue almost with shock or anger and with some gratitude for his help.

The silence once again stood among them as Clarus came into the room out of breath and limping with Ignis at his side. "An enemy ship has just been spotted leaving outside of the city with Gladio and Noctis on board," Ignis said urgently.

That was all that was needed to be said to raise the anger Regis had towards his ancestor. The one reason why he had gone through all of this once again was to make a better future for Noctis, now Noctis was in Niflheim custody. Now Regis truly questioned his ancestor, he had promised and had given his word that Regis would be able to make things better.

While Drautos was dead things had now become worse, Regis knew what Niflheim was capable of. He had watched as his city burned down, and he watched as everyone around him died by Niflheim soldiers. Niflheim was strong they were also merciless, Regis had no doubt something horrible would happen to his son and the young shield.

"I'm truly starting to question your word, my son is in Niflheim custody!" Regis yelled at the statue of the Mystic. Everyone turned to Regis then towards the founders statue. Cor wasn't sure what was going on between Regis and his ancestor but he would not allow them to argue at this time.

"Regis! I don't know what's going on and I don't care anyways, but right now we need to keep our selves focussed on getting back up. Niflheim was able to get into the Citadel even with the damn wall up there's no telling how many soldiers are still here and in the city!" Cor was yelling and warning the king.

A brief moment of silence past, all eyes were on the Marshal as he went on, "If we're going to rescue the prince and Gladio our best shot would be capturing what soldiers we can, and finding out their plans."

Regis sighed, he would be having a serious conversation with the Lucii specifically the Mystic later. Right now his son needed him more then ever, and Regis wouldn't waste time. The longer Gladiolus and Noctis remained in Niflheim custody things would just continue to get even worse for everyone.

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