A disappointment.

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"Okay girls! Showtime!! Everyone in positions and good luck!" The producer says. In this chaotic mess of people running around I calm my nerves. Ryujin unnie looks super nervous so I pat her on the shoulder and smile to help her. 

Ever since iland 2, we have been working day and night. Endless nights of dance practice, recordings, working out, and even more. But it has all been worth it. 

This is our debut show. This is the moment. For the better or worse, this is real. 

We get into our positions on the stage and take a deep breath as the lights dim. In our earpieces we hear "5,6,7,8!!" That's our cue!! 

We perform like this is our last, and dance as perfect and classy as possible. Time for my part... And... finally. It's over.

 This is live so I can't mess up! Okay and the difficult part is coming up... I walk to my position as fast as possible for the difficult choreo, and before I make it I slip and fall off the side of the stage.

"Ah!" I say when I slip to the hard ground under the stage. 

 I groan in pain and quickly get back to my position to dance again. Stunned I forget the moves but I watch my members and I slowly get my thoughts back. I dance until the end, totally ignoring the pain. 

For the ending fairy I appear on the big screen suddenly so I give a fake smile and a wink. I also blow a kiss to the camera before my time is over. Confetti starts coming down so I smile and look up just hoping the cameras would cut.  

"And... cut!! The director says making my whole group take sighs and fall to the ground out of exhaustion. 

I feel tears trailing down my face as my lips start to quiver. It's all my fault. Isn't it? Now everyone will think we are not hardworking because I messed up. Badly too. 

I am so incompetent. Why can't I do anything right for once?

"Eunbi -yah. What happened? These don't look like happy tears." Leeseo unnie says to me. 

I burst out everything and start sobbing. The confetti falls gracefully down onto me making me sob. 

" I'm so sorry! I messed up big time. I fell off the stage earlier before Yujin unnie's part! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean too..." I say while forming a ball with my body on the ground. 

Aria and Ryujin pat my back calming me down a bit. 

"Eunbi it's fine! You didn't mess it up for us! We all know how hardworking you are, and everyone makes mistakes!" Yujin says to me. 

"Everyone please exit the stage! We need to clean the confetti and change the backgrounds before the next stage!! Chop chop we don't have time for you guys to be crying!!" one of the producers yell. 

The other members bow fully and help me get up off the ground. I sob an try to walk straight until I realize I can't see in front of me properly. 

I wobble and almost fall again until Ryujin unnie grabs me. I wipe my tears so the hairdressers, staff, and everyone else doesn't see me at my weakest. I rip my ear piece out of my ear and take a deep breath. 

"Yah! Park Eunbi!" I hear my name called as I walk into the backstage area. I wipe the rest of my tears and fix my outfit so I seem okay.

I look for the person who called my name. It sounded like a dude. 

"Jay?" I say with a astonished look on my face. My. Fucking. Brother??!?! Wha-

"Eunbi! You did so well!" Jay says while giving me a big hug while wide arms. My jaw flings open. 

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