Meeting Them Again (1/2)

Start from the beginning

Y/N: Don't mind me.

Isen: *sweating* What are you doing here?


Hank: Just visiting.

They all turned again to find the hulking form of Hank standing in the room with a shotgun in his hand.

???2: A-A gun!

Remi: *sweating* Can you please put that away Hank?

Hank: Yeah yeah.

He straps the gun to his back holster and looks around the scared by weirded out room.

Hank: So watcha doing in here?

Evie: It's Um........Safe House.......just a club where people of all tiers can hang around and have some fun.


Meanwhile Kirby was just on her head sleeping.


Kirby: *yawn* Poyo?

Everyone: IT CAN TALK?!

Evie: *hug* It's a baby.

Isen: 'An overpowered baby.'

Remi: *sweating* This is..........still private school grounds. Did you all at least get a visitor pass?

Y/N/Hank/Black/BBQ: Nah.

???:.......A talking chicken?

Isen: *sweating* It appears so.

Hank: I'm sure not many people will notice us-

Arlo: you're here now?

Arlo, Seraphina, John, and Elaine come in the room to find Y/N just laying on the window frame with Black flexing in the corner and Hank still holding his weapons. BBQ is currently standing on Evie's head with Kirby wrapped by her arms.

Y/N: Yes.

Elaine: *sweating* It's a school day.

Hank: *shrug* Cmon now...we'll just leave if the principal comes here or something.......anyways are you all avaliable on Saturday?

Seraphina: *curious* If we go back can Jed give us Boba?

Y/N: *chill* He's my friend....don't worry-

Seraphina/John: I'm in.

Isen: *sweating* Can we just acknowledge the fact that these people have no idea what we're talking about?

Y/N: *ponder* .......I could bring as many people as I maybe make this a safe house exclusive event.

???: Um.....what event exactly?

Y/N: What do you all think of traveling to a different dimension to watch some stuff and meet other people?

???2: are we so sure we can trust you?

Y/N: *points to royals* They trust me.

???4: *mumble* So cute....

Several safe house members can be seen patting Kirby who was just calmly eating a donut with his 2 stubby hands.

Evie: *pout* Let the pour baby rest!

???3: *curious* How old is he by the way?

Y/N: 200 years old.

Everyone: HUH?!

Y/N: In his species he's still a baby.

Roland: Um quick question.......

Y/N: Yeah?

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