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13 years ago

4-year-old summer sat on the curb with her newborn sister in her arms, watching as her parents screamed at each other in the streets of Greenville, Vermont.

the car had broken down as the small family were driving home, only 36 hours after Rylee was born. summer was exhausted, because of that, she didn't bother to tell off her parents for fighting, like she usually did. instead, summer rocked Rylee in her arms, watching the infant sleep so peacefully, oblivious to the struggles she'd end up facing in only a number of years.

"Maybe if you would stop being a fucking hoarder and turned in the car this wouldn't have happened! what the fuck do you need a vintage vette' for!" their mother screamed at their father as his head was buried in the hood of the car. he had completely forgotten about the girls, which he later scolded himself for.

"shianne! it was my fathers!" he stuck his head up, yelling at his wife. but when he did so, he saw his 2 daughters on the curb, summers head drooping from how tired she was. Bradley stared at them, hating himself for putting them through this. it was 3 in the morning, and Rylee wasn't even 2 days old.

"the girls," Bradley muttered under his breath, rushing over to summer and taking Rylee from her arms. this woke her, she gasped in fear before realizing who was taking Rylee, to which she calmed down. shianne realized what her husband meant, taking Rylee from him so he could carry summer back into the car.

summer laid in the back, her mother laying Rylee next to her, so at least they could rest a little.

"call a cab and take the girls back home, I'll deal with this" Bradley explained in a lower voice than before, shianne grabbed her phone and did just what he asked.

11 years ago

as the years went on and the girls got older, the fighting just got worse between Bradley and shianne. always for petty stuff too. most of the time the couple would get over it the next morning and go out to breakfast with the girls, but sometimes it lasted days.

days where they wouldn't even look at each other, days where Bradley slept in summer and Rylee's room, days where summer had to take care of Rylee because Bradley and shianne were too held up in their fight they forgot they had a baby.

one day, shianne came home drunk. not just drunk, hammered.

that was Bradley's breaking point.

it was 8:30 pm, and shianne was dropping summer off at a friend's house for a sleepover, not caring that she could kill her child driving so drunk. summer didn't know what drunk was at the time, she was only 5.

when shianne came home, Rylee was screaming because she had the flu and was only 2, Bradley laid her on the couch and tried to soothe the pain as well as he could. but the anger boiled in him when shianne stumbled in and slumped herself on the armchair next to him.

"Are you drunk right now? it's 9:00, your toddler is screaming in pain, and you just drove with your daughter in the car?! are you fucking serious!" Bradley stood, screaming at his wife. she simply nodded, before Bradley stomped to the kitchen and grabbed a packet of papers from his bag.

"I want a divorce shianne, I cant do this" he slammed the packet on the table with a pen, shianne not wasting any time signing the papers.

the next day when summer got dropped off at home, her father and sister were gone.

all of their things, money, and Bradley's car. gone.

summer sobbed in her now sober mother's arms, wishing she got to say goodbye.

summer and shianne ended up relocating to Boston, where shiannes mother was. they got a big house on a hill, in a nice neighborhood, where summers grandmother visited every day.

soon enough, shianne had remarried and was back to trying her best, never seeming worried about where her youngest daughter went.

I wish that you would stay in my memories

Liz speaks

yall, I almost cried making this I'm not even kidding

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