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𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬.

Pov- Sunghoon's

I was pacing around the classroom, zoning every now and then waiting for the class to come to an end. I was impatiently looking at the clock that seemed to move a lot slower than it was supposed to. I guess it's just because I'm so bored that I want things to end faster. It's just how it always is. I looked around noticing every little detail of the classroom. I heard sounds of pen clicking, foot tapping and pencil sharpening that seemed to be a lot louder than usual.

When the bell finally rang, I was the first one to get out. I always practice my piano when we have a break. It's just something I always did. I don't have many friends so I usually spend my time in the music room. You see, playing the piano was something I did since I was a child. I liked to think it was a little hobby of mine, but growing up, I relaised that I was more forced to learn it than I actually enjoyed it. Not that I hated playing it of course, but getting older, my father forced me everyday, to play it for hours without stopping. It hurt me, knowing my father only cared about me being a professional at such a young age rather than enjoying what I have left of my childhood.

You see, my mother passed away when I was very little due to a heart condition she had. She was such a beautiful woman. Always protected me and was always so nice. She was so beautiful too. Her soft voice. Her singing. She was perfect. I usually played my piano with her. Knowing that she is there by my side made me feel less scared and more free. After she passed away, a lot of things changed around the house. My father became so much more agressive and rude.

Always forced me to play that stupid instrument until I was begging for him to stop. If I messed up the composition he usually beat me up until I was laying numb on the floor full of big purple bruises. My mother wasn't there to protect me. To sing me sweet lullabies with her honey voice. To tell me that everything will be okay. God I missed her so much. I will never forgive her for leaving me.

A lot of people asked me why I still play the piano. It had such a big impact on me growing up I can't throw away all of that just because I had a little grudge against my father. I couldn't do that to my mother. I just couldn't. She loved listening to me playing it. So letting out my build up emotion, piano was the only way. It wasn't so bad after all. Atleast that's what I try to tell myself...

A lot of people don't understand what I feel when I put my hands on the keys. What I feel when the music starts coming out of the instrument caused by my fingers and everything that builds up in me I let it go with beautiful notes. So delicate and nice. Just like what Thomas Stearns Eliot said: "It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind." Just like that, people often don't understand what I'm feeling when I talk about playing the piano.

Getting closer to the music room, I could hear faint piano noises coming from it. I was confused because no one usually comes inside the classrooms on breaks. As I was getting closer the song could be heard much better than before. It sounded so familiar. The moment I went to open the door, I realized the composition that the person was playing was the same one I'm currently practicing for the upcoming music show in Seoul. It sounded so beautiful, so calm and full of emotions.

I peeked trough the window on the door and I noticed it was a girl. She looked so beautiful, so sweet. Her black short hair looked so soft and nice. She had a big smile on her face. "How did she knew how to play it perfectly?" I thought to myself trying to take a better look at her. I noticed my notes that I left there yesterday standing in front of her.

I went inside and coughed so she could hear me. She quickly stopped and looked at me. Then I remembered her. She was the girl from my class. I never really noticed her because she is usually really quiet. I think her name was Deiji or something like that. She had big hazel eyes that looked at me with so much emotion I could tell everything she was thinking in that exact moment. They were so beautiful. She was so beautiful.

"Nice choice of song" she murmured to herself happily. "Mozzart-Turkkish March I see..." She laughed while I stared at her. A smile creeping up on my face. "Yeah uh, I don't know if you noticed but those are my notes you were reading from so please leave." I told her.

I didn't want someone to be better at me especially at something I was practicing for months. She just looked at me and smiled. Her smile was so beautiful and full of joy. "Hey chill, I found them here and decided to try to play them. No big deal." She said smirking at my blank face. "You are Sunghoon right?" She asked me "Your from my class, always quiet, doesn't have much friends, doesn't really talk to anyone..." She continued "We don't really talk so you probably don't even know my name" she laughed. "I'm Deiji!" She exclaimed. Her voice was like honey. So sweet and beautiful. It reminded me so much of my mother's voice.

I cleared my thoughts and answered "Yeah, I know who you are." I told her blankly. I hated seeing her being better than me at something I practiced so hard. Paying such an expensive price to even be here. She looked at me with big glistening eyes and told me. "If you're here to play, sorry for interrupting you. I want to watch you." She said softly with a big smile. In fact, I wanted her to watch me, but not if she's better than me. I don't want her to see me as an amateur. That's not who I am.

"No." I answered shortly. She started laughing, got up and took a seat next to the piano. "No is not an answer, now sit down and play it." I sighed knowing the conversation is not gonna go anywhere so I just sat down and prepared my fingers for playing. She looked at me with so much joy. God why was she so beautiful. Just what my mother would do. Sitting for hours with me, listening to my playing with so much emotion in her eyes. It gave me confidence.

My fingers slowly started to press the keys moving in the rhythm of the song. I stared at my notes while playing. I was still not entirely confident in my playing that's why I tend to mess up. While I was playing so many emotions went through me. My eyes moved with the rhythm of the song. I took a peak at Deiji and saw her eyes full of tears.

I quickly stopped playing and looked at her with concern. "Why are you crying?" I asked her. "Your playing... It's so beautiful." She said as tears started rolling down her face.

I just coughed and awkwardly said "It's nothing special, stop crying." She looked at me with her big beautiful hazel eyes full of clear small tears. I don't understand why she's acting this way.

"Why are you so uncertain in your playing Sunghoon." She continued. "It's full off emotion, so delicate, so sweet." "You were made for this Sunghoon. You were made for performing. If you ever feel uncertain in yourself, please don't. You are amazing." She softly said. I didn't like this feeling. Why do I feel like this? What is she doing to me.

"Class starts in 5 minutes, I'm going back." I coldly answered while packing my stuff and quickly leaving. Deiji was left there all alone blankly staring at the piano. She brushed her soft hand over the keys wiping her tears away and quickly walking to her class. "Sunghoon you jerk." She thought. "Why do you underestimate yourself so much. I wanna show you what kind of person you really are. I'm going to help you Park Sunghoon."

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