chapter 2

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"If shit was physically able too look anything like a human would look like you"
You heard a sneaker from behind you,a friend calling out,Nobaru.Her playful smile was all too bright for this morning,while she waved and laughed softly.Nobaru was used to the alcohol,used to the hangovers,used to the nausea.


You groaned and held your face,shutting your burning eyes in hope to aid the sting.Your vibrant friend walked toward you-and I use vibrant because just like her deep orange hair it somehow represented her own personality.
"You have to drink more"

You whined out of pure annoyance and pulled your hands away from your face,giving her a bloodshot glare.
Your head pounded,vomit gurgled in the back of your throat and even the shower from this morning couldn't calm your jittery nerves.
"I am not in the mood for any of this.Why didn't anyone stop me from drinking!"
You whisper-yelled and was silently joined by THE stoic friend.

"Believe me I tried,maybe next time I should put you on a leash since you never listen"
Megumi fold his arms and glanced at you,he only earned a small chuckle.He seemed composed this morning but even you knew it was a front-he was upset and you are going to hear a earful about this later.One where the others were not around.

"Now now Megumi,it is too early to hear about your crazed sexual fantasies concerning our dearest [Name]"
Nobaru laughed when she heard her hungover friend-you-mutter a small 'ew' and saw Megumi roll his eyes.Her constant teasing about how the two of you made a cute couple had quickly gotten old-but non the less ever since tenth grade it had never stopped.

"I'm shitfaced and I'd like the two of you to keep your mouthes shut or get away from me-which reminds me Megumi..what are you doing here?"
You raised a brow and looked him up and down.

To put this quite clear dearest reader,Megumi did not attend this school.He was a university student at a prestigious institute called,Jujutsu Tech.Odd name if you asked me or maybe that was just your opinion.So believe you me,when I say you had quite a lot of opinions.

"I came to drop off Itadori's homework..he now owes me a solid 200"
Megumi checked the time but his head snapped back up when a certain pinkette called out his name and waved at him.

"You do his homework?"
You asked,staring at your unintelligent friend but none the less though..he was a great guy.

Yuji Itadori was too,a vibrant boy.He had determination and a kind soul that always remained loyal.The advice he gave was not half bad and even though his brain capacity was one of a fish,he had an amazing body to make up for.
"Easiest money I've ever made"
Megumi responded as he opened up the sleeve he carried.Your mind had drifted to Itadori and as silly as he was,did he,indeed have a great body.Everything seem chiseled.His shoulders were lean yet his arms were big-not as big as you liked-but big enough.

Tell me dearest reader,was it a norm for one to stare at a friend's body.Judge him.Wonder what it was like to raise his shirt and run your dainty fingers over his rough looking skin.Was it normal?

You were a pevert.A closet pevert.
So to answer the question.Yes,yes it was normal.

"Say [Last name] are you sick?"
Yuji finally made it to his odd group of friends.He rubbed the back of his neck and frowned.
"You should go home if you ain't feeling well,your face is all red"
Megumi frowned.Nobaru gave a small smirk and raised a brow,this made you look up at the two of them who judged-more like inspected you closely.

It already bothered you as you were the shortest compared to everyone in the friend group,but to have them stare down at you like had made you feel even more smaller than you already were.
"Are you blushing [Name]-chan"
Nobaru's smirk intensified.You could tell what the orange haired girl thought of you and just like you'll receive a earful from Megumi later,you can now say the same for Nobaru.

Fuck No

"I'll be heading to class so see you half witted idiots later"
Your words were rushed as you shoved yourself past your friends.

I mean dearest reader,you had to-before the questions came.Yuji,who called out your name,stopped midway,watching you disappear down the hallway.

You laughed to yourself as you made your way to home room.Being accused of liking Yuji was absurd.
"O-oh god..s-spare m-me"
Your giggles erupted even louder but you quickly silenced yourself by covering your mouth when you realized people were staring.There was nothing wrong with the boy.

Sure Yuji wasn't that smart..but brains weren't everything and his dumbness was adorable at times.
No,he didn't partake in the same interests as you,but he could keep up a conversation and you wholeheartedly enjoyed his company no matter how annoying he could get.
Yeah,his smile could make any girl flutter as his happiness could latch onto anyone.
Yes,his body was amazing.He had sculptured abs and nice strong arms but that was not merely enough for you.

You simply wanted-no-it was a distant need.You needed more.

Someone with passionate interests as yours..

Someone with experience that would only drive you to the brink of insanity.

One that was not afraid to take charge,to pin your wrists tightly,shoving his thick cock into the depths of you.

One that was not afraid to hurt you,just ..just alittle..a masochist if I must say it.

A man that could look past your age,and desire your body just as he would with someone much older.

You needed a man that could weaken your knees and forcefully make you submit to only him.

You simply craved an older man...

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