Back to square one

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Jj's pov
I was the happiest man on planet earth a few weeks ago but then the god Damn universe hates me for some reason. just as everything was setting in perfect place it fell and crumbled, just my luck ay.

2 weeks ago

"Hey so I need help, we'll not help I just need you's in a video to help me get views" Simon smiled walking  into my room standing at the door frame.

Talia was laying in my chest, her hair falling down to cover her face, I had my eyes shut holding her waist, with nothing but the feeling of peace flooding around us.

talia groaned not saying anything or  lifting her head from my chest or even opening her eyes,

I chucked at her reaction before sitting up despite her protests and her trying to push me back down, I placed a kiss on her forehead and she finally opened her eyes to meet mine. I could go all my life staring into her eyes they held so much love and comfort in them making me feel nothing but a fuzzy feeling in my heart knowing that she felt safe in my arms.

"Not to interrupt this very lovely moment but I really need you guys"

I forced my eyes away from her and put my attention onto Simon, "what's up? What we filming?" I asked pulling talia off my chest while sitting up and placing her back onto my lap so that she was facing Simon, her head resting in my shoulder

"So we've done it before twice, best friend vs girlfriend and before you say anything let me explain my tactics in this ok I've thought it through"

"Ok shoot all ears mate" I replied making sure that I could take in everything he's about to say because something told me that it was about to get really confusing really fast.

"Right, so you two don't want to be in the public eye like at all yet so if me and talia keep on dating but only as a PR stunt, so fake dating obviously that's really easy to believe so that keeps you out the public eye completely if your careful might I add and the fans think that absolutely nothing has changed" he explains his plan to us no stuttering obviously practicing what he's just said to get it down to a tea.

Me and talia look at each other and after a couple seconds we turn back to Simon, " souls like a plan to me" talia responded

"I like it" I said, " keeps us safe and it's very believable for our fans"

Simon smiles, "great I'm glad your on board, now you ready to film" he walked away commanding we follow him.

It took about 30 seconds before we heard Simon asking for us to hurry up.

I pecked her on the lips before standing up, she clung to me like a little panda with her arms around my neck and her legs around my torso.

I walked into the living space and put her down on the sofa before taking me seat opposite her but it didn't take long for her to be right back on my lap with her head in my neck.

I found it absolutely adorable that she always wanted to be near me I loved the clinginess of her actions it was an addiction to me that I'll never overcome.

She pulled her head from my neck and looked into my eyes love and lust clouds her vision, she doesn't say a word to me before crashing her lips onto mine, it took only seconds before I was reacting with my arms at her hips pulling her in closer to me as she started to grind down painfully slowly. I hungrily deepened the kiss my hands making firm hold of her hips, she disconnected our lips only to find them on my neck seconds later. You never see her dominant side but when she wants to be she's amazing. She started kissing up and down my neck trying to find my sweet spot and was very satisfied when she found it at the back of my ear when I met a low moan escape my lips.

She brought her head up, meeting my eyes again, lust was the only thing I could find in her eyes and she was not going to stop until she got what she wanted, me inside of her causing her more pleasure than any man could.  

Simon walked into the room a camera in his hand, appropriate to say that I forgot about the filming for a second there.

"Really? You couldn't have waited like 20 minutes" he laughed at the sight in front of him.

"I have no idea what your on about" I laughed with him trying my best to Act clueless but failing miserably.

"Really now idea? Come on you have like five Hickys running down you neck, both you lips are swollen and talia is obviously coving a boner" he pointed out everything that made us guilty.

"I think that just maybe we've been caught" talia whispered

"Ye I think we have"

"Jj you can keep it in your pants I swear to god we need to film this"

" ok ok let's get on with it, I got things to do" I winked over at talia making her  blush, that was  probably one of my favourite things to do, make her blush.

Talia was practically ripped from my arms by Simon and place opposite me and before she even got the chance to move back to the comfortable position of my lap Simon sat in between us handing us a whiteboard and a pen.

Talia sighed with a smile tugging at her lips, she was too adorable for me not to let a smile slip past my lips.

The video wasn't that long and was actually quite fun also trying to watch talia be Simons boyfriend again while sending me the most lust filled looks was the most entertaining but sexually frustrating thing ever.

Watching her completely fall to peaces just by looking at her made me want to screw the hole video and pull her back onto my lap, however I kept my composite till the camera shut off.

"I'm going for food" Simon said standing up, " you have until I get back"

And before we could even reply to him he had walked out the door laughing.

I couldn't help but laugh at his reaction the the sexual tension he had being in the middle off for the past half an hour

Let's say that we never got that food after the night we had and let's also say that I'm glad I got Simon them noice cancelling earphone for his birthday.


After that day shit hit the fan,

The fans arnt as clueless as you'd think.

The video went out and almost immediately rumours about me and talia started to surface even big places like the sun caught wind and it all got out of hand

Obviously no official statement from me or talia had being released and we just started denying everything when I came to the press.

Now when I say that everything came crumbling down I mean that everything went back to square one as In it caused arguments and fights.

Our relationship started as a selfish affair- hidden and no one new now everyone knows (ish) we didn't want this pressure and not the mention the hate the both of us were getting because of it.

So we went back to square one

We went back to being nothing.

I would like to apologise for the lack of updates. My dyslexia has taken a turn for the worst and I'm trying to cope with it so sorry 


-ebs 🔵

The love affair//ksi and talia Where stories live. Discover now