playing it risky

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Jj's pov

I woke up at my usual time of half five, I had a session with Viddal at Half six this morning and let's say I did not have the will power to unwrap my arms from around my girl. She just looked so perfect in my arms. I was strong I new I was physically strong and mentally strong but I did not have the strength to leave my girl alone.

"Your alarm went of bab, why you not getting up" she says, making it known that she was awake.

"Well, why would I move when I have my girl in my arms?" I replied pulling her closer to me. She turned around and rested her head on my chest. She started to trace the tattoo on my chest, when she got to the end of the word she would go back to the start and do it all over again.

"If you keep doing that I'm never gonna be able to get out of bed" I mumbled

She giggled and carried on driving me even more crazy with every letter she traced.

<<<time skip>>> its about to get good now

Talia's pov.

"You ready for this mate?" Ethan says as we're all sat in Simon and jj's flat crowded on the sofa and some of the floor. And when I say everyone i mean all the sidemen and there girls if they have one.

" Bro I'm ready for this, I'm at the peak of my life it only goes up from here. I'm finally happy where I am" he looked at me subtly. Making sure that no one saw the small gesture.

"You're not gonna be happy when Jake is punching the shits out of ya" harry laughed

" ha ha funny mate but it's gonna be the other way around with the way that I've been training"

"I dunno mate, he's doing really well in boxing now, you sure you are gonna be able to keep up with him?" harry fired back

"It's funny that you have not faith in me Harold but don't worry I'll prove you wrong"

"Anyway lad, only one more minuet till your album drops" Simon pointed out looking at the launch timer on the laptop in the middle of us all.

"Yes, right, let's do this"

"Talia this is big for you as well, right you got a feature on the album " Simon says

"Yes I do I'm hella exited partially because if jj gets a number one album I get a No.1 place too"

Jj laughed," Well we all best hope that we get this at number 1."

"What song you featured on again?" Tobi asks.

"Rent free the 8th song in the album" I answered with a massive grin on my face. It was still mad to me that I'm in jj's album, he's a big time artist with massive features even in this album and it's massive for my name too.

"And there up, both the fight and the album have been released to the public " Jj announced smiling ear to ear.

Cheers and applauses sounded through the apartment. The lads patted jj on the back while the lasses gave him a well done hug.

I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around him in the most friendly why that I could," if there's one way I'll reward you tonight" I whispered in her ear, I pulled away from the hug and shot him a smirk. I walked away and took my place on the floor next Simon. After a few seconds he moved back to his seat, a smirk still tugging at my lips.

Conversations started to flow again, jj's phone basically started hyperventilating so he tuned it off for the night and said that he would deal with it in the morning. We all just had a chilled night talking and laughing for the most parts.

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