"do you have any idea what you do to me "

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Talia's POV

It's being a few days since we finished the song it didn't take one day like we wanted it to it took 2 but its not that bad, it's now all finished and ready to go we are announcing it the public today and doing all the press for it its not much but when the album comes out there will be more to do for it.

I know you're wondering what I went with when I said head or heart. As strong as my feelings are for jj I can't bring myself to hurt simon. We've being together for almost 4 years, and I don't think I  could bring myself to throw that all away for what I now believe is a silly crush.

Do I feel a stronger connection with jj? Yes, do I feel saver with jj? Yes, do I feel like I'm on cloud nine when ever where in the same room? Yes, yes, I do, and it kills me that I feel like this, its wrong and I'm hurting simon feeling like this but I can't help it I'm falling for him every day as much as I try to stop myself from falling I cant.

JJ's pov

I can't do this to my best mate its not right falling for his girl will be the worst thing ill ever do so I cant let myself fall anymore.

Its such a struggle though every time I see her everything in my world stops because she is my only focus, I see her and I fall even deeper I don't want to but at the same time I love the feeling she gives me. she makes me feel like I'm someone worthy of being loved and not used.  

<<<<<time skip>>>>>

Its being a few days and I haven't been talking with talia mainly because I've being training a lot but we are announcing the song soon and having to do press about it so I know there will be conversation soon. I also know that I'm going to be announcing my fight with Jake Paul any day know so that should also be a fun conversation with both talia and the rest of the sidemen because I haven't told them shit about it 

I had training in a few hours so thought about going a little bit early before the rest of my trainers so I can let of a little steam without them kicking off about my form and all that lovely shit. I packed up my gym bag with my gloves and a change of clothes for afterward, I zipped up my bag and made my way to the kitchen to grab a shake before I went and low and behold talia is sat at the island counter on her phone.

 She hadn't noticed me yet and I really wasn't tin the mood the strike up a conversation. So, I didn't. I walked over to the shelf with all of my g-fuel and picked out the flavour I was in the mood for, I took myself to the kitchen and that's when talia noticed me. She looked up from her phone and smiled warmly at me. I just stood there admiring her beauty and her lovely smile that she always greeted me with. She looked into my eyes, and I stared into hers I could stay there forever and never get bored of her presence.

The eye contact broke and the felt a pain in my heart almost like an aching pain than weighed more my hole soul. My head lowered in sadness, and I went to walk out forgetting all about my shake when she spoke just above a whisper

"Do you have any idea of what you do to me jj"

"what" I turned around confused as the what she said 

"do you have any idea of what you do to me" she repeated louder so that I could hear her "every time I look at you my mood lightens, and then every time you look away my heart aches for you, every time I see you I want to run and hug you till the end of time never letting you go, i want you to hold me till I'm so high on love I'm on cloud nine. I want to be around you all the time I want to kiss you so much, but I can't because I know you don't feel the same way about me" she cried tears streaming down her cheeks.

I dropped my bag and ran over to her I held her by the waist and crashed my lips onto hers, I pulled her close to me never losing my grip. My hands travelled up to pull her in by her neck and she wrapped her arms around my waist pulling herself more into me.

We broke apart minuets later needing air, still holding onto each other not letting go.

"I do. I know exactly what I do to you because you do the exact same thing to me talia" I spoke softly looking into her eyes again showing her that I meant every word while wiping her tears away with my thumb.  Her smile was so warm and loving it made me smile with her. she pulled me in again by my waist it didn't last long though, we heard the flat door open and jumped apart I picked up my bag off the floor and walked over to the door just to be greeted by simon with a Nando's in his hands.

"Oh, hey man you fancy a Nando's before you leave I got extra"

"Nah man its fine I'm going to the gym, I'm good"

"alright them ill save you some for after you get back in a bit"

I walked out that door without another word, I can't believe I did that I just kissed his girl but I'm so fucking happy about it. She feels the same aghhh I couldn't be happier SHE FEELS THE SAME and I just kissed her I kissed the woman I'm falling so hard for and that made me fall so hard a parashoot couldn't save me . 

Talia's pov

Oh. My. God. Jj kissed me. I don't know what happened simon went out for Nando's I was sat in the kitchen, jj came in and I just felt so happy when he walked in the room that I just told him exactly how I felt thinking he didn't  feel the same way, but he kissed me, there was so much passion behind that kiss that I knew he meant it. The way he held me its like I've found the place I've being looking for my entire life, we fit together like a completed puzzle. When I tell you I'm falling that's an understatement. Its like the universe is pulling us together and no matter how hard we try to resist we will always find each other.

I want him, I want him to hold me, kiss me be with me forever and never leave me on my own.

The love affair//ksi and talia Where stories live. Discover now