7: Payphone.

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I picked up the phone, not knowing the number. But as I picked up the call, placing the phone to my ear, I heard Sam's voice. 

"Silvia?" He said, sending shivers down my spine and ringing through my ears. 

"What do you want?" I said. I've always been short tempered and I didn't believe in second chances, because I used to give bad people too many chances. 

"I was driving, down this weird back road and my car just broke down. I paid so much for this piece of shit you'd think- never mind. I don't have cell service, and I can't figure out what's wrong with the car." He rambled on for what felt like forever. 

"What are you calling me on then?" I asked

"A payphone." He replied. 

"Payphones still exist?" I didn't think there were many anymore, not in California

"Yeah, they exist. But I need to hurry up because I'm almost out of coins, and your number is the only one I have memorized. I need you to send someone to pick me up, because im stranded! There is no one in sight." 

"Okay fine. I'll come get you. Do you have your Cell with you?" 

"Yes, Why?" 

"How do you expect me to find you? I still have your phone on 'Find My Iphone.' So I'm going to use that to find your location." 

"Okay, thank you, Silvia. The time is running out and I'm out of coins. I'll see you when you get her-" 

The phone hung up. 

I stood up, dreading this trip, but also happy to hear from Sam. I know I said I'm not the type of person to give second chances, and I'm not, but something was different with Sam. 

I opened the 'find my iphone' App and typed in Sam's name. As the app moved along the map, I just realized how far he had gone. 

He was a four hour drive away, but there's no way I could get a taxi or uber out there to get him, so I had to drive there myself. 

I Stood up from my bed, groaning at the thought of driving. Not even Sam was good enough for a drive THAT long. 

I changed back into my clothes, throwing on some shoes and grabbing my keys. I was already exhausted and I dread driving as is, I wasn't even sure there was a point to me having a car anymore. 

I Got into my car, turning the key in the ignition, and placing my foot on the gas. I backed out of my small parking spot. I Placed my phone down, and slowly turned up the music. It was never anything good but it was enough to keep me awake. 

My drive was quickly interrupted by my phone buzzing. Who the fuck calls people at 2:30 AM? But I guess the better question is, who the fuck answers those calls.

I grabbed my phone, picking up the call and putting it on speaker. "Hello?" I said, realizing I didn't even look at the callers name. 

"Hey, Silvia" A voice rang. An unforgettable voice at that. She was a person with the voice of an angel, and skills I could never compete with.  Hannah Wicklund. 

"Hey Hannah. What's up?" I asked, kindly hiding my frustration from a  friend. 

"I haven't heard from Sam in a few days, and I keep trying to text him but he hasn't been answering." She said, sounding worried. 

"Oh yeah. He's okay! He is on  a 'work trip' but of course his car broke down. I'm on my way t get him" 

"Oh god! is he okay?" 

"yeah, I'd assume so. why?"

"I just had to make sure, do you want me to come with you?" 

"No, no its okay. It's late and its a long drive."

"Okay! Drive safe, Silvia." she said, hanging up the phone. 

~Time skip~

The drive was long and exhausting, and I had already regretted making this drive. 

I saw Sam's brightly colored car, planted on the side of the road, him in it. 

I flashed my lights and pulled off to the side, and he jumped out of the car. I opened my car door, sheepishly stepping out. 

"Hey beautiful. How was the drive?" Sam asked as i reached the ground.                                                   "It was wonderful. Really, this is exactly what I wanted to be doing on a Sunday night." I said rolling my eyes. I was so exhausted but I still had a long drive coming, and then a long day of work. 

"Well, come on princess. I have to drive you home." I said to Sam, opening the passenger door with a hand out, jokingly.

"Nice try. As if I'm letting you drive me back in your Honda Civic whilst your living on 3 hours of sleep, and probably 3 coffees,"

"First of all, my Honda Civic works better than your car, and its 3.5 Hours and 2 coffees." I didn't want to drive back, and I knew Sam was a really great driver, but it felt too weird having him drive us around again, like things used to be.

"As if that's better. I'm driving." He said, sitting in the driver's seat. I sat in the passemgers side, no questions asked. 

As the car slowly glided down the road, my eyes felt heavy. I tried to keep them open but no matter how hard I tried they just kept closing. 

"Go to sleep, darling." He said. The sound of his soft voice persuaded me into a deep sleep, the car slowly rocking as we moved. I felt aware of everything yet nothing at the same time until I was woken by the early morning sun and an empty car. 

The driver's door swung open, to a Sam holding two coffees. He looked breathtakingly beautiful, the red morning sun shining on the side of his face, emphasizing his sharp bone structure. His long hair up in a messy bun, a few pieces hanging from the sides, framing his face. 

"Good morning beautiful" I said to him, my eyes still wandering his face. 

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" 

I wanted to say I slept fine, but the words that came out: "Better than ever."



im so so so so so sorry for not posting! i kept meaning to but I got sick again, then I got covid, and now i've just been CRAZY busy with school and tests, as im getting ready to move onto another chapter of school. 

new chapter in 2 days, I PROMISE!!

Stay High- Sam Kiszka X OCWhere stories live. Discover now