AN: My POV on an Issue

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In the last chapter @therainscent asked me a question...

This is a very good question and I'd like to thank her for bringing this to my attention

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This is a very good question and I'd like to thank her for bringing this to my attention.

But before explaining my Point of view I'd like to ask you guys a question...

If oneday someone came to Anirudh and somehow proves to him that she is Bondita...then who will he choose?

This imposter or the real Bondita (whose real identity he doesn't know)?

And how?

In the show, when Bondita first came back...their elbows brushed against each other and he felt her presence without knowing who she was...

But then when she was standing right in front of her but this time as Vaijayanti ...there was nothing...absolutely nothing!!

Which does not make any sense at all!!!

Now, if we talk about chemistry between two people's either there or it's not! There is no middle ground.

Without chemistry Bondita would have still been just his student, his zammidari...his jeene ki wajah but not his Premika and defiantly not his wife...

But in the show they certainly have failed to show that chemistry...otherwise VJ wouldn't have to prod him so much to remind him about Bondita, her mere presence would have been enough...he should have felt her presence...(it's one of the one thousand and one mistakes the makers made post leap😓)

We all know, Anirudh and Bondita are soulmates...their souls are connected on a cosmic it was hinted many times in the show. For instance- Bondita's letters which always reached Anirudh no matter the circumstances, the hitchky incidents,one sensing when the other is in trouble...but most glaring proof is Goddess Durga herself always led them to each other... so I think we can undoubtedly come to the conclusion that they are soulmates...

Now, imagine what happens when two soulmates are ripped away from each other?

Wouldn't they try to seek each other out on a subconscious level, even though consciously they know they can't be around each other for now...and what happened if their soulmate is around them without them knowing...wouldn't they still feel the pull? Wouldn't they still know subconsciously that their soulmate is near?

Anirudh's pull toward Durga is exactly that...if Durga and Bondita were two different people he never would have felt that pull...(therainscent I hope you got your answer)

Most of the decision he took regarding Durga was his subconscious decision...decisions took by his soul because it wanted to be close to its other half...

As for why I created this illusion of Durga? ...Anirudh has a lot of barriers and confusions in his mind and in his heart concerning Bondita's place in his life right now...and even if we ignore the obvious (the matter that he has practically raised her) there is the matter of animosity... in the show Bondita practically begged him for his love, which I did not like, at all!!! I wanted to give them a better story...

So I had two major reasons among other smaller ones...

1. To break Anirudh's belief that he can never see Bondita in a romantic light because he was practically the 'father figure' in her life...they could've showed this in the show, the awkward phase, the beautiful transition from that phase toward romance...BUT NOO!! They completely skipped that part!

2. And to give them time to get to know each other again...but this time as adults and without the 'Married' stamp stuck on their head...If Anirudh consciously knew she is Bondita he will definitely try to push her away, that's why subconsciously he didn't wanted to know her College name...

Also, I kinda...sorta wanted to take revenge on Anirudh and teach him some lesson...for MANY of his idiocies during Mano and Mini You guys have wait for while to find out...😉

* ghvhkh and therainscent please provide me a name by which i can address you two, it doesn't have to be your real name any name would two and Aditi has supported me from chapter 1 and i don't like thanking you guys by your profile name...☺️

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