On the Streets of Rome.

749 72 71

3:52pm, 15th August 1940.

Antica Domus, Piazza del Colosseo.

Rome, Italy.

"...that decision is still up in the air and even if I choose to stay here in Rome I'd still have to go back to London for few weeks to make all the arrangements and for the book release in 1st September." Durga informed him as they finishes up their deserts.

His brain froze after she said London...

"You are from London?"

She just nodded nonchalantly.


"Which what?"

"Nothing! Nothing! Good luck with your new book."

He refrained himself from asking any further question ...he was scared if he inquire more he will find something that will break the momentary peace he felt after years. The illusion that his heart has conjured up will dissipate into thin air...

So he adroitly changed the topic, "I think, you should take Barrister Raggi's offer, he really is the best. An opportunity like this comes only once in a lifetime...you know the saying 'the young man knows the rules but the old man knows the exceptions'. Besides the more you will see the World the more you will learn."

"That's a sound advice. I'll keep that in mind." She said while scooped up all the remaining Gelato and placed it in her mouth.

Anirudh signaled their waiter, "Il conto, per favore!"(The bill, please!)

When the bill arrived another argument broke out ...who will pay the bill? Anirudh insisted that he should pay it, but Bondita argued if he believes in equality then he should let go of the notion that the man should always pay the bill...that man are being wronged in the name of chivalry when the woman is equally capable of paying it!

Then Anirudh argued back that he was older so it was his right to pay the bill!

But Bondita was not someone who backs down from an argument, so she retorted that she ate most of the food so she should pay it!

Then Anirudh argued that she should think of it as her payment for fighting his case against the waitress's misplaced allegations!

Then Bondita suggested they should share the bill in half, to which Anirudh finally agreed and pulled out two notes of thousand Italian liras and Bondita did the same. It should be enough to cover the bill and the tip for the waiter.

"So what now!?" Bondita asked as she buckled her bag.

"Let's go finish up the rest of your list," he said, guiding her out of the restaurant.

On their way to Piazza Venezia they briefly stopped to observe the Roman Forum.

On their way to Piazza Venezia they briefly stopped to observe the Roman Forum

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