S2 - K.I.T B.F.F.

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!!!:The episodes merged for this chapter are "Dealer Incentive" and "K.I.T. B.F.F." or Episode 37 and Episode 38 of Season 2.

Hi. - Whisper

{Hi.} - Thoughts

You suck! - Deep voice, threatening

HEY, YOU! - Yelling

e.g., Joe (John) - Joe is a person being 'possessed' or controlled by (John) at the moment.



Donut: Gotta get back to base! (he begins running away) Back, to base! Oh man, there it is! (he approaches the base) Guys! Hey guys! Where is everybody? I saw something really weird in that cave that... (he sees Sheila) hey, that's cool. When did we get a tank? Wait a minute, this looks like the store. Except Sarge told me there is no store. (turns around) Oh no!

Caboose and Tucker are pointing their pistols at Donut.

Tucker: Oh yeah!

Grif is watching from the cliff with a sniper

Grif: Oh crap! I knew I should've just shot him! (he turns and runs towards Red Base)


BG, Blue Base

Tucker and Caboose have Donut surrounded inside the blue base.

Tucker: So, they send a female assassin to try and kill us. Clever, but it won't work. We're immune to your feminine wiles. ...Unless you wanna date one of us.

Donut: Female!? I'm not a girl.

Tucker: Tease.

Donut: I just have, light red armor.

Caboose: How is that pink armor anyway? Looks comfortable...

Donut: At first, I really hated it. But it's kinda grown on me. My old armor used to chafe my thighs somethin' aweful. But the crotch in this pink one is surprisingly roomy!

Tucker: Silence woman!

Cut to Sarge addressing Simmons, (Y/N) and Grif.

Sarge: Good Bhudda's noodle, how could this have happened?

Simmons: It's okay sir. It was a strong plan, Grif's just a dumbass.

(Y/N): His incredible stupidness stopped him from using the sniper.

Grif: Hey, I'm using your cerebral cortex.

(Y/N): Wrong person.

Sarge: Settle down, ladies. We need a new strategum, and we need it fast.

Simmons: Donut's sure to crack under the pressure and reveal everything.

(Y/N): I had to ask Donut about my oranges, asked him the question twice and he even confessed to me where he keeps his woman magazines.

Grif: Everything like what, where we keep his tampons?

Sarge: You're right about that, Simmons. The boy doesn't even see the entertainment value in being tortured! Oh these kids today!

Church enters the blue base with Tucker waiting for him.

Blue Base

Church: How's it goin', Tucker? We get any useful information outta the prisoner yet?

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