Episode one: "Welcome party"

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Hello I am Tyson my brother is Dan. I just thought you know he left you messages for his story. I should for mine. I should warn this story is very funny and also very fetish based. Reader discretion is advised.


Campus was littered with kids or not kids adults. Being new to school is fine but being new to college. I have it hard.
I walked to the desk were the receptionist was.
"Oh mister Abernathy, you are sharing a room with oh yes mister O'Neil" she extended a hand with the room key and pointed me to the room.
I made it to the room and was overwhelmed by a strange odor. It wasn't strong but it was gross none the less.
"Hello, I am Tyson your roommate" I say as I knock on the door. There was a pause then the door opened and the smells source appeared.
"Name is Sal" He says. I tried to hide my disgust for the odor but it overwhelmed all my senses and I blurted.
"What the fuck is that smell" I covered my mouth.
"Oh, hehe sorry every morning after the orientation party I and others are bloated and gassy.  I saw his belly and looked confused that wasn't bloating. That was fat.
"You should come to the party tonight, believe me it will change your life" Sal said.
"Sure, why not" I say
After my classes this party was in the back of my mind. I went with Sal who seemed eager to see me go.
"So what the hell where is everyone" I say as we enter the room. Then they all yell "suprise welcome to campus, Tyson" the boys said. It was all guys they all looked like Sal. They all were fat.
"Hey Tyson, Keith here try this it's called pig slobber" he said. Keith and Sal looked closely at me and I took a swig of the bottle. At first it had bitter almost acidic taste then it started to sweeten and as drank I grew hungry. It seemed I wasn't the only one as others were each grabbing big sheet cakes.
"Here is urrrrrp your cake" Keith said. I stared at it long enough I glutted on it like a pig then the beer kicked in and I  grew fat like the others. But I didn't notice. I also didn't notice that the school was very big but it was very strange it was named "Eatitall University". I was finished eating but soon found out that I was passed out on my bed.

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