"Hey I thought I might help you p-." Konan said stopping as she sees what's going on, she gasped. "How dare you touch my child " Konan said prying them off of one another and holding Naruto. "Your child." Sasuke said with disbelief rolling his eyes. "My sweet innocent child." Konan said dragging Naruto into the hallway. "Go pack by yourself." She said her voice getting lower as she went farther down.

Time skip to before they leave bc why not

Sasuke had the backs in his hands, they were light enough to carry because he somehow convinced Naruto to leave some things here. Everyone met them at the door and said their goodbye's except for tobi who had been on a mission. Deidara's eyes filled with tears as he went to go say goodbye. "Aw don't cry we'll come back, I promise." Naruto said flashing his signature smile. Sasuke ruffled his hair and smiled a little barely noticeable. "I'll see you all later." Naruto said as Sasuke dragged him off.

As they were walking Naruto started complaining about his feet. "Can you last until we at least make it out of the forest." Sasuke said sighing, Naruto glares at him. "No, no I can't." Sasuke thought for a second and then came up with something. He bend down and turned his head back to Naruto "get on." Naruto happily climbed on struggling a bit. When he was all the way on Sasuke stood up.

Sasuke's POV:

It was hard getting up as Naruto gained some weight but I knew if I wanted to keep my life I would keep quiet. It took some time but we finally made it out of the forest of death. I got ready to sit Naruto down when I hear small snoring behind me. I turn my head to the best of my ability to see Naruto fast asleep.

I smiled a bit before realizing how close we were. I body flickered to the Hokage's office to let her know we made it back. "Are you happy now." I said said startling her a bit. " Your finally back, took her long enough." She said pour herself some sake. "How was your vacation." "I don't see how it's any of your business, now that's all I came for I must be on my way." I said gesturing to the sleeping blonde on my back.

She nodded and dismissed us, I mean I was gonna leave anyways. I body flicker home not physically able to walk anymore. I set Naruto down on the bed and stretched a bit. I went to the kitchen and decided to cook dinner. I put on the only apron we had in the house and start.

As I'm cooking I hear footsteps coming down the hallway. Naruto turns the corner rubbing his eyes and yawning. He come behind me and hugs me. "It's about time you woke up, sleepy head." I said turning around and kissing him. Naruto just groaned still not opening his eyes.  "What are you even cooking." Naruto said in a raspy voice. "Bacon, pancakes, eggs and sausage, brunch." I said flipping a pancake and winking at him.

Naruto opened his eyes as he was now fully awake. "I didn't even know you could cook, it smells good." Naruto said removing some hair from in front of his eyes. I started putting the food on plates and setting them on the table. "Sit." I said to Naruto pulling out a chair.  Naruto sat down and began eating like he hadn't eaten in days. "Naruto slow down your gonna choke." I said, chuckled at Naruto as he got food all over his face.

As Naruto opened his mouth to protect he choked on a small piece of bacon. I start patting his back as he coughed it up in small pieces. I sighed. I told this dobe to slow down. "Are you ok." I said watching him wipe tears away from his eyes. "Yea I'm fine." Naruto said smiling at me.

Third person POV:

"I have to use the bathroom I'll be right back." Sasuke said kissing his forehead and walking down the hallway. As Naruto went to eat the doorbell rang. Naruto dropped his fork in frustration and went to the door. "Who is it?" "It's Ino and... A guest." Ino said trailing off at the end.

Naruto opened the door to see Ino and Sakura standing behind her holding something. "Hey Ino and Sakura." Naruto said with a disgusted tone at the end. Naruto comes out the way letting them come in glaring at Sakura as she walked past.

"Naruto Sakura has something she wants to tell you." "I'm listening." Naruto said sitting down on the couch. "But first how about to you put that down." Naruto said gesturing to the gift basket Sakura held. "O-oh of course." She said setting it on the table. It was dead silent. "She's been coming here everyday since you left hoping you'd be here." Ino blurted out breaking the silence and making Sakura blush. "I wanted to say I'm sorry, I realized I shouldn't have reacted like that towards you Naruto. I hope you can forgive me." Sakura said bowing, going up to Naruto and grabbing his hands.

Naruto was a little shocked at her but soon smiled a gentle smile. "Of course I'll forgive you Sakura-chan." Sakura wasn't expecting him to forgive her and teared up a bit refusing to let the tears fall. "See I told you he would forgive you." Ino said smiling at her. Just then loud footsteps could be heard from the hallway as Sasuke walking into the living room.

He walked in confused to see Ino and Sakura. He had a cold expression when his eyes trailed off to Sakura. "Why's she here." "It's fine she came to apologize." Naruto said smiling at him assuring him it was fine. He thought for a moment before huffing and sitting down picking Naruto up and setting him on his lap. He wrapped his hands around his waist and set his head on the crook of Naruto's neck.

"You were right they are so cute together." Sakura whispered to Ino as she got her camera out. When Naruto seen this he looked down blushing making it even cuter. Sakura started fangirling as she took so many pictures.

Naruto grabbed his stomach and placed a hand tightly over his mouth. He stood up and ran down the hallway to the bathroom and slammed the door. He start violently throwing up while coughing. Sasuke already knew what was happening and sighed. "I think it's best if you girls come back another day." Sasuke said getting up and turning to head down the hallway.

Ino and Sakura nodded walking out worrying about him. Sasuke went down the hallway oland knocked on the door. "I'm coming in." Sasuke said opening the door to see Naruto on the floor. He bent down and started patting him on the back, rubbing circles. "I'll get you some water." He said getting up and walking to the kitchen. He opened the fridge and got the first bottle he seen, walking back to Naruto.

He handed him the water which he gulped down fast wiping his mouth with some tissues. He leaned his head on Sasuke's shoulder moaning and groaning in pain. Sasuke picked him up and walked to their bedroom. He sat Naruto down and laid down next to him.

A/n: yoooo I'm finally done with this. I've been studying and testing and I still am so I've been tired lately and very busy. Also I really need your guy's opinions. Should I make a sequel when I'm done with this. I've been debating with myself whether I should or not and I thought hmmmm let's ask you know the people reading the damn thing sooo yea decideeee.

Goodbye my kitsunes

Word count: 2095

My Fox {Sasunaru}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ