Important Mission

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Naruto put his hands on sasuke's cheeks. "No need to be sad because now you have me." Naruto said with a smile making sasuke blush a little. Sasuke smiled back holding naruto's hands, "your right now I have you." Sasuke plopped on the bed bringing naruto with him. Naruto yelped a bit surprised.

Sasuke cuddled into naruto and chuckle a bit. "No need to be scared my little fox." He said running his hands through naruto's soft blonde hair. "Hmph" is all that could be heard from naruto before he buried his head into sasuke's chest. Before he and sasuke soon feel asleep.

Time skip to the morning (I'll try not to add too many time skips.)

Sasuke was awaken by knocking on the door. "Who the hell is knocking on my door so early in the morning." Sasuke mumbled going to the door, swinging it open. "Deidara I swear to god if its not important I will-." He stopped when he seen it wasn't deidara but pain. "Oh I thought you were deidara he's always bursting through the door for no reason." "Its ok but I have a very important mission so I had to tell you myself. The mission is, I want you to go back to the leaf to gather information." Pain said bluntly

Sasuke had a shocked looked but it soon turned to rage. "Hell no I'm not going back to that awful place!" Sasuke said, his voice filled with anger. "Listen I know your mad but this is the only way we can get information about it before our attack so we can destroy the leaf village." Sasuke thought about it for a while before pain said. "If you go you can bring that Naruto kid." Sasuke's eyes lit up a bit, "fine I'll go back and get information about the leaf." Sasuke said sighing.

Pain left after sasuke agreed closing the door behind him. When sasuke turned around he was surprised to see naruto was still asleep. He chuckled before going over and shaking him. "Get up naru~" when doing that after a while didn't work sasuke came up with a better plan. "If you get up now we can get ramen." When sasuke said that naruto shot up. "Really we can get ramen." Naruto said happily as he wagged his tails fast. Sasuke chuckled, "yes if you get ready fast enough." With that naruto got up as fast as he could and put this on.

" With that naruto got up as fast as he could and put this on

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(I know its modern but hey I'm using what I got right now.)

"Naruto before we go I have to tell you something." Sasuke said as naruto came to him about to drag him to the ramen shop they went to before. (Random ramen shop lol) "we have a mission, we have to go to the leaf village to gather information about it for our attack." Naruto put his ears down. "Are you sure your ok with it I mean it was your old village." Sasuke nodded leaving naruto satisfied. This time they walked to the ramen shop enjoying the fresh air.

Time skip to after ramen about to go on the mission.

They went back to the base being greeted with 'hellos' and 'good lucks'. Sasuke and naruto went to their room and packed lots a clothes. It would take about four days to get to the leaf village so they packed lots of food too. "You ready naruto." Sasuke said putting a bag over his long akatsuki cloak. "Yep just about." Naruto said stuffing the last of his clothes into his bag putting it over his shoulder.

Naruto walked to sasuke as he smiled and they walked out of the base. They were walking through the forest of death before the sun started to set. "Let's make camp here." Sasuke said turning his head towards naruto, he nods. They set up a tent just big enough for the both of them to fit and still have lots of room.

Sasuke held naruto close that night not wanting anything to happen to him. Even if they had only been together for about a month Sasuke felt like he had to protect naruto no matter what, and that's what he'd do. He soon fell asleep with naruto in his arms cuddling him tight

       In the morning

Sasuke woke up to see naruto gone. He went out the tent and started looking for him frantically. "No no no no no." Is all that could be heard when he didn't see naruto. He was about the keep searching when he heard Naruto call out to him. "Sasuke what are you doing." Sasuke turned his head and walked to naruto hugging him.

"Don't scare me like that where were you." Sasuke said nuzzling his head into naruto's neck. "I was at the river getting fish I was hungry.  Why were you scared~" naruto said teasing sasuke making a light blush appear on sasuke's face. "No of course not dobe" sasuke said putting his head up and turning it trying to hide his blush.

Naruto just laughed at sasuke. "Come on we have to get going dobe." Sasuke said walking past Naruto going back to the tent. Naruto just follows him still teasing him about it. Sasuke tries to ignore it and packs up the tent. Naruto finally stops teasing him and grabs sasuke's hand. "Come on don't be like that you know I'm just playing with you." Sasuke grabs his hand back and smiles. "I know" they keep walking until they finally get out the forest of death. They got stopped a few times, by snakes and other things trying to kill them but what did they expect when the name is "the forest of death."

A/n: ok this is all for the today. This is one of the longest chapter I've done. Sorry about all the time skips I just couldn't find anything to fill it with. Also I'm thinking about calling y'all something different if you have any suggestions or anything just comment it. Updates may be slow because school is a bitch. Also you already know about mistakes, I don't know why I always make these at like midnight or later.

Goodbye my foxes

Word count:1040

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