Team 7

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(Major time skip)
Three weeks later

It had been a while and tsunade had let them have a little more freedom. They didn't have an escort everywhere they went, only when going a few places. They were allowed to walk around the village freely. Sasuke had also been updating pain about their current situation and the progress they've made. Sasuke was cooking breakfast in the kitchen while naruto was still asleep, he had been working hard to control his chakra more and it was getting tiring. The delicious smell traveled trough the house waking naruto from his deep sleep.

He tiredly walked down the hallway and into the kitchen. "What's that smell its good." Naruto said going up to sasuke and hugging him from behind. "Its breakfast now go sit down its almost done." Sasuke said pushing him out the kitchen. (As for what they eat, idk use your imagination.) Naruto when and sat down at the table in the dining room.

After a few seconds Naruto's patience grew thin. "Sasuke~ hurry up I'm going to die of starvation." Naruto said dramatically leaning back in the chair. "You just sat down wait a bit I'm putting it on the plate."  Naruto groaned and laid his head on the table. Sasuke came over with the food making Naruto's head shoot up. "Finally, what took you so long." Naruto said reaching for the food. Sasuke scoffed playfully and scooted the food closer seeing him struggle.

Naruto smiled and started eating, "wdon't forgwet abouw the hokage meeting." Naruto said stuffing his mouth. "Chew slower and don't talk with your mouth open, I can't understand anything your saying." Sasuke said grabbing his plate and sitting next to him. "I was saying don't forget about the meeting we have with the hokage later she said it was important." "Oh shit I forgot about that." Naruto hits sasuke on the head, "Language!" Sasuke nodded fast. "Oww! Stop hitting me it fu- freaking hurts."

Naruto huffed and continued eating. "I'm getting dressed, we have to leave now if we're going to make it." Naruto said getting up and walking to the bedroom. Before said could even respond naruto already closed the door behind him. He quickly comes back out with an outfit for sasuke. "Go put it on I wanna see how it looks on you." Naruto said happily. Sasuke got dressed and came back out. (What their wearing)

(Sasuke is wearing the one on the right, naruto the one on the left

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(Sasuke is wearing the one on the right, naruto the one on the left.)

"Can we go now." Sasuke said blushing a bit. Naruto smiles and clings onto Sasuke's arm walking out the door. They make their way to the hokage tower, occasionally stopping to enjoy the sights. Even though sasuke would never admit it, the leaf village was a beautiful place but he still wanted to burn it to the ground. There went inside to see tsunade sitting at her desk waiting for them tapping her nails on the wood making a satisfying sound. "Look who's finally here." She said stopping and stretching a bit. "Anyways I wanted to talk to you about team 7." Sasuke scoffed a bit under his breath. "What about them." "Somehow you've managed to not come onto any contact with them well except for sai." Sasuke grew inpatient. "What's your point here." "Its time to tell team 7 that your back in the village."

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