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My mind has been thinking about the same thing ever since the encounter this Monday. The only thing sprinting around in my head being the handsome man, Alex.
Tears had been shed for some reason, but that wasn't because of Alex though. My period cramps are killing me.
It feels like I was Bella from Twilight, a little asshole of a child eating me from the inside. But I should be grateful, there ISN'T an asshole in my stomach. At least I have that going for me.
It literally feels like lightning was striking me from the inside, and it had my eyes leaking as if I was cutting a fucking onion.

I hate to do this but I had to cancel the plans on Friday, aka tomorrow.
Dreadfully, I make my way to the other side of the room where my Sony phone was charging.

My thumbs hit the buttons as I type in his number, and I put the phone to my ear.
It only took a few signals before he picks up.

-Hey Y/N!' Alex greeted, and despite the feeling of my organs fucking imploding, he made me smile. I adored that about Alex, for some reason he always put me in a better mood. It's as if his soothing voice was magical, which I am sure it was.

-Hi Alex.' I say back, not with quite as much enthusiasm as usual and I guess he noticed.

-Is everything alright?' He asked, with a tint of worry in his words. The feeling of someone caring for you is underrated, the warm fuzzy feeling I usually get when I speak to Alex was back now.

-Nope! Period cramps are eating me from the fucking inside.' I explained. A little humour never hurt anyone, and I chuckle a bit after the words had left my mouth.

-This is probably weird to ask of me and you don't have to tell me if you feel uncomfortable, but what is your address? I have some goods that you can have!' Alex says with just a bit of uncertainty.

-I'm not uncomfortable at all, but thank you for being so careful. My address is ************ but I don't want you spending stuff on me so please don't buy me things. It's your money and it's your stuff!' I explain.

-How about if I come over and make some food for you, will you agree to that?' He asks and I can hear the smile from this side of the phone.

-You can cook?' I ask while laughing.

-What do you mean "Can you cook" of course I can cook!' He says as he laughs as well. We sit there for a minute just laughing, but after a while it gets harder to hear.

-Hey what are you doing? The sound is messing up.' I ask.

-Sorry love I'm outside, headed to yours.' Alex explains and butterflies fill my stomach.

-I'll be waiting.' I say with a smile still plastered onto my lips.

I changed into some other clothes so that I wasn't greeting him in underwear when he got here because THAT would be awkward.

I turn on the television and sink down into the sofa.
My eyes are on the screen but I'm not watching it, I'm just thinking about Alex.

Alex, Alex, Alex. The handsome man that gave me my earbuds back after I had dropped them, woooow what a story. I would tell my future children about him but I don't want kids so yeah, kids can go fuck themselves. No I'm just playing... a little.


My thoughts are abruptly interrupted as someone knocks at my door. I fly up from my comfortable position and make my way to the door.
My hand presses down on the handle and the door opens, revealing Alex on the other side.

His shoulder length hair is a bit curly at the ends and he is wearing some black trousers with a black turtle neck. He is very good looking.

-Come on in Mr Turner.' I say with a grin while I step out of the way.
He smiles back and steps in, I close the door behind him. He starts untying his shoes.

-What do you think about some soup? I bet that would make your stomach feel better.' He says and looks up at me. I simply nod and smile, liking the idea of having some food in me.

I pick out the necessary things, like a pot and a big wooden spoon. Alex had brought some vegetable soup for me.

Alex finished untying his shoes and hanging his jacket on the hook, and he walks towards me in the kitchen.

-I can help you if you'd like.' I say while looking in his eyes, but he shakes his head and smiles.

-You are hurting, go sit in the sofa while I fix your soup!' I smile at him and look in his eyes thankfully, then I make my way over to the sofa.

I sink down into it again and I continue watching the news. There had been a big crash downtown, and I felt sympathy but I couldn't really care too much.
Everyone was alright so everything is fine.

After a while I hear footsteps approaching and I turn my head, seeing Alex walk over with two bowls. I smile at him and make some room for him on the sofa, he sits down.
He gently puts the bowl in my hand.

-It's very hot so let it cool down a bit.' He says and I nod.

-Thank you so much for this, Alex. Genuinely. It's such a nice thing of you to do.' I thankfully say while looking into his chocolate eyes, and he looks at me too.

-It's fine really, I'm just that kind of nice guy!' He says with a sarcastic tone in the end. We laugh a bit together and then I finally dig into my soup.
It's  delicious! I know it is store bought but it doesn't make it any less special, this is Alex soup now.

We eat there in silence while watching the television and I eat the whole thing.
The final scoops of the soup was drowsily put in my mouth, I'm so fucking tired.

I try my best to keep my eyes open but they beat me to it and I fall asleep.


Alex feels something hit his shoulder and he looks over, at the girl beside him. Her eyes were closed and her breathing was slow and even, he knew that she was asleep. He took the blanket from his side of the sofa and wrapped it around her, smiling to himself.

This was a night straight out of heaven.

Authors Note:


This is such a big accomplishment for me and I don't know how to express my gratitude, thank you all <3

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