Start from the beginning

"Oh yeah? Cause to me, it looks like you want a guy to dance on you. What's wrong? Need to fuck a guy? Want to experiment? Or did you want to see me?" I asked. I was playing with fire. I've seen Marshall angry before. The first time we met. The look in his eyes scared me.

"Shut up!" He said, much closer.

"If you want, I could offer myself to you-"

He cut me off by kissing me.

His lips were soft and he tasted of cigars and cinnamon. I closed my eyes and accepted the kiss. He brought his hands to my back and coddled me while continuing to kiss me. He then pulled away.

"Are you able to pay rent?" He asked me, his face back to neutral. It was like he never kissed me. He looked away, not looking down at me. I felt a bit hurt. Maybe he didn't like the kiss.

"Barely. I have to work extra hours." I said. I can't believe I'm opening up to him.

"How much do you get an hour?" He asked, still not looking at me.

"I don't. I get paid for every guy I dance with." I said. His eyes flashed anger. Was he jealous?

"Have you..." He began saying but didn't finish.

"Have I..." I said. I had no idea what he was trying to say.

"Have you...." He started to say. He looked nervous.

"Just tell me what I have done!" I asked. He turned and looked at me before turning away. His face flushed red.

"Have you had sex with any of the guys yet?" He asked. I chuckled.

"No. I'm a stripper. Not a prostitute." I said. He sighed in relief.

"Great." He said, no expression in his voice.

"Move in with me." He said. I quickly looked back up at him. He looked at me too.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Yes. Move in with me. You'll save on money. And we can carpool to the studio everyday." He said. But I couldn't help wondering if he was also expecting more from us living together.

"You sure I won't be a bother?" I asked.

"No. Never." He said. My heart jumped.

"Fine. But we need to set some rules." I said.

"Okay. First: you cook. I can't cook for my life." He said.

"Perfect. Second: no staying up too late. I need beauty sleep." I said. He laughed.

"Deal. Third: no inviting people over unless the other is aware." He said.

"Done. And fourth: no funny business between us. Separate bed, separate rooms." I said. His face pinged with humiliation and sadness. He huffed.

"Fine." He grabbed my wrist.

"Put your clothes on. We're leaving." He said.


"Home." He said. Home. That's what I have to call it now.

I put on my clothes. I felt Marshall watching me. I had to remove my underwear. I asked Marshall to turn around. He did but I can feel his eyes on me. We got into his car and drove to my home.

"This is where you live?" He asked. He looked around.

"Yeah. Don't enjoy it, but it does its job." I said. I packed the items I brought with me when I first moved here. I took clothes, photos, and anything I liked.

"Can I take these? They look nice." He said. I turned to him and saw him holding some Mexican dishes. I shrugged and he punched the air in excitement.

After packing everything in my bags, I went to the front door.

"I'll come back tomorrow and get the rest. And I'll turn over the keys." I told him. I got into my car to drive it to his place.

We drove through the night streets. Neon signs flashed and people entered cinemas. I saw a young boy with his mother and father, coming out of a cinema room and laughing.

We reached his house. It was much bigger than mine. I entered his front lawn and parked my car in a spare spot. I turned it off and exited the car, taking some of the stuff. Marshall was behind me holding the rest.

"Is it fine if I sleep on the couch tonight? I am way too exhausted." I asked Marshall.

"Of course. I'll go get a blanket." He said. He disappeared into one of the several rooms in the home. I got a good look around. It was dark but everything was so organized.

"Here you go." He said. I layed on his couch, enjoying its soft texture. I sunk into it, and Marshall draped the blanket over my body.

"Goodnight." He said, his voice sweet.

"Night." I said.

And before I knew it, I had fallen asleep. I was now asleep in a new home. It wasn't the house itself that was the home. But who was in it. Marshall. I knew I liked him. Why else would he have been hard after watching me? I didn't know why he was at Dreamer's Paradise. He kissed me. He kissed ME! This is definitely a scandal. If the public knew about that kiss, the movie is done for.

I'm a Mexican. I stripped. I kissed Marshall. Could I be more problematic?

Nevertheless, I slept like a baby that night. I had nothing but sweet dreams.

And in my sweet dreams, I imagined my Mama, Papa, and Marshall clapping for me as I won an Oscar. I knew it was a dream. My Mama and Papa were dead. And there was no way I could win an Oscar.

But Marshall was in it. He was happy. And I knew that THAT was real.


on this day (04/23) 18 years ago, a miracle was brought into this world. also i was born. um, yeah. i'm finally 18. much closer now to my death.

bye! i love myself and you all!

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