"How about you fuck off and never come back, stupid dog?!" 

Shelley cannot keep her mouth shut for once, can she? 

A somewhat strange expression crosses his face but leaves as soon as it comes, and he takes a step forward, causing the blonde to step back. He grins and takes another step, and they repeat themselves until she feels her back hit the wall. She's officially trapped. His grin turns slightly predatory as he takes that step forward so that he is right in front of her and there is barely any space between them. 

She feels her own heart rate increase due to his proximity. "Okay. Distance. Keep your distance. This is not okay."

He brings his mouth closer to her ear, and in a slightly breathless voice he whispers. "Do you want to make it okay?"

Oh lord, bring mercy upon her.

She hears him sniff her neck and then place a few kisses here and there, before she feels his canines graze her neck and he quietly growls out. 

"I want to make you fully mine." Jacob whispers lowly. She thinks she can't breathe. It's getting hot here. His hands which are on her waist are now moving lower to her behind. "I want to make love to you."

Shelley shudders against him and goes completely weak at the knees at the jolt of intense pleasure that shoots through her entire body. 

He chuckles and starts to run his fingers through her hair. Immediately tingles explode in her head and radiates down her body. She decides to close her eyes and enjoy his fingers through her hair. 

He growls again, mumbling, 'mine' under his breath, rubbing circles on her inner thigh from his other hand-the one that isn't in her hair. His hand then creeps up as his knees keep her legs apart. 

Her eyes snap open as she mentally curses at her worst timing to wear a dress. "W-what are you d-doing?" She asks, her voice shaking as she feels a swipe of fingers on the clothed part of her womanhood. 

Instead of answering, he unweaves his other hand from the blonde's hair and cups her face before crashing his lips to hers. His tongue rolls around freely, and she has no idea what she should concentrate on. If it is his tongue or his fingers dancing lazily under my dress or the growing bulk that she feels pressed against her belly. 

Not going to lie but she loves the feeling he gives her. She has no words to explain the feeling. It's like walking barefoot on heaven grounds. 

That's when she feels his fingers, gently bringing the layer of clothing barrier that keeps her womanhood from his reach. 

She gasps, feeling warm against her cold skin as they inch once again closer to her exposed womanhood. "Jake-" 

"Tell me, baby. Do you want to stop?" 

Does she want him to stop? Truthfully, she doesn't want him to stop. She wants him to go on as long as he wants, as far as he wants and as deep as he wants. 

Shelley shakes her head, gulping down her shyness and shame. She feels sinful and she'll be a criminal if her crime is Jacob fucking Black. 

She grabs his shirt tight in her fists when his thumb presses on while his index finger begins rubbing in circles. Her lungs are aching for breath as her heart is literally trying to break out of her ribcage. 

"Look at you. I am barely doing anything and you are already a hot mess." He growls into her ear whilst his movements only get fast and she feels something stir in the bottom of her stomach. It's weird but euphoric. "I want to make one thing clear. You’re mine. No other man touches you. If they do… I will rip them to pieces. Understand?" 

Because → jacob black, twilightWhere stories live. Discover now