chapter four: misery business

Start from the beginning

This time Lilly's the one that leans in, catching his lips and stopping the growing smirk that always gives her butterflies.


Present Day

Bucky fights with his tie, loosening it and tying it over again. It's the fifth time and he still can't get it right. He didn't want to come to this thing anyway, just another party for his mother and all her friends to make unnecessary comments on everyone else's business. He and Lilly used to bet on if there would be a slap fight or if someone would leave crying. Sometimes they got lucky and it was both. Being with her made it a little more bearable. 

He hears the clacking of high heels and sighs to himself as Becca walks in his room. She comes around to face him, grabbing the collar of his shirt and starts tying his bow tie for him. Bucky tries to help and she slaps his hand away.

"Thought you weren't coming?"

Bucky looks down at his little sister, who he realizes isn't as little anymore. She looks beautiful, a long black sheath dress with a large golden necklace. He also knows his mom is going to lose it when he sees what she has on.

"Yeah, well I didn't have anything better to do?"

Becca pulls his bowtie tight.

"Anything, or anyone?"

Her brother snorts, rolling his eyes a little. Bucky wishes everyone would get off his back. He's not that bad...anymore.

"I'm not the one to worry about. Are you even wearing underwear? Nope, never mind, don't answer that."

Becca sends him a smirk that is so much like his own. Her dress is pretty low cut and slit up the side. Lilly wasn't exaggerating.

"You gonna give me the real reason that you are coming, or just keep it to yourself?"

Bucky sighs. He knows that Lilly will be there. After she left his apartment the other morning, he hasn't been able to stop thinking about her. It's driving him insane. If Becca knew what he had been dreaming about since then, she'd probably break his kneecaps.

"A lot of people with connections are going to be there. Couldn't hurt to make a few." Bucky throws on his suit jacket and checks the mirror one more time. Becca groans behind him.

"I swear to God, if you start shit..."

Bucky puts his hands on Becca's shoulders, leaning down to look in her eyes. She bites her lip, another habit they both share.

"I won't start anything. Look, we're gonna go out, get drunk, you'll probably get a picture in a magazine somewhere. It'll be great."

Becca spins on her heels and walks out, Bucky trailing behind her. He runs his hands through his hair again. There's a gnawing feeling in the back of his mind.

What's the worst that could happen?


Lilly already has had two glasses of champagne and is ready to go home. It's only been half an hour.

The ballroom of the museum is packed, full of people that make more in a month than Lilly will ever make in a year. Senators, socialites, journalists, producers, everyone has turned out for the fundraiser hosted every year by Winnifred Barnes. This will be the first one since her husband died and Lilly could tell Mrs. Barnes was nervous. Before the older woman went off to entertain her guests, Lilly gave her hand a squeeze and earned a smile in return.

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