The beginning of the end

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It was cold and wet, the Dark was basically consuming him as he cried, cried and cried, tears burning his bluish grey skin. He screamed, shouted for Tommy to come and safe him. He promised, didn't he? He said nothing bad is going to happen to him... guess he lied. No! Tommy wouldn't lie to him, this must all be a misunderstanding, he will come and safe him, he just has to wait. So he sat there curled up into a ball. It was so very cold, he could basically feel the coldness getting inside of him, he would've been freezing if it wasn't for his tears painfuly burning him. He wanted it to stop. It hurt, it hurt so much.

After crying for what seemed like hours he finally stood up. Where is he?
Ghostbur looked around, it looked like a train station, but weirdly unsettling. Weird liquid was running down from the roof occasionally dripping onto him, burning him yet again, although the liquid was freezing, like everything else in the station. It was so cold, he could see his own breath and steam from his tears burning his skin, because of that Ghostburs vision was fuzzy, things looked weird and kinda blurry, but he could still see red lights hanging from the sealing, other than that there was no other light in this seemingly never ending train station. This tense atmosphere made him want to cry again, he felt weak and helpless, but...

- No! Tommy wouldn't cry! Tommy would be strong! What else would Tommy do? - he looked around while whipping his eyes so he could see better. It was painful, but he pulled through without shedding another tear- Maybe he would look around? Yes! He would be brave and face his fears!

He began walking, slowly and shivering from exhaustion and fear. He kept on repeating "Tommy would be brave" and "I must not disappoint Tommy" to make it all feel better.

As Ghostbur walked he noticed a board. It seemed to show whatever everyone was talking. Tommy was talking about him... dieing. Is that it? Is he dead? Again... He wanted to cry again, but it hurt way too much, so he took a deep breath and decided to keep on going, but he knew that he will come back. He had to come back, maybe he could somehow send Tommy a message?

He walked and walked and the further he went, more disgusting and smelly puddles of the weird liquid there were spreading throughout the path. His shoes and socks got completely soaked, it felt so uncomfortable, but he had keep on going. Somewhere. What else would he do? Cry in a corner? Would Tommy do that? Absolutely not. He would probably say something funny, maybe he would even insult the puddles and he would absolutely talk about women. This thought cheered Ghostbur up. For a few seconds he felt like he was back with Tommy, but the weird dripping liquid knocked him right back in to his purgatory.

He was following the rails of the train that brought him here. It had to come from somewhere, maybe if he follows them, he will escape from this prison. The thought of staying here of eternity made him cry again. This time he couldn't stop it. He felt hopeless and desperate for any sign of the outside world, but he was here, forever stuck. Tears ran down his face and it burned him more and more. He dropped on the floor onto the weird puddles burning himself even more. He shouted for Tommy to come and safe him. But nobody came.

He slapped himself. -No! Tommy probably counts on you, he waits you, you can't fail him like that!- He stood up yet again clinging on to this shimmer of hope that Tommy awaited him and that he will eventually escape. He had to.

The deeper he went the colder it felt. Each breath more and more painful since his lungs felt like they were on fire, because he was breathing very heavily and the cold air didn't help.

As he walked it seemed like there was not an end to these rails. He was starting to lose his hope, but suddenly he noticed a door. It was blue, with a blurry glass too hard to see through to see what's on the inside. Spontaneously he opened up the door out of curiosity, forgetting his main goal. This was something new, something different. Maybe a way out? He opened the door and was immediately greated by a breath of very cold air.

But at least the room was dry. I looked like an office with many different files scoured around the room. Ghostbur took a second to breath in and stepped in to the room. He decided to stay there, although it was very cold, there weren't any liquids or random weird smelling red puddles. He walked around a little and picked up a file from a not so straight standing pile - George?- it had this guy's, George's, name written on it. He picked up another one "Technoblade". He slightly tilted his head to a side, he was confused why there were files on these people in here, but he got a brilliant idea, what if he found Willbur's file?! He could finally find out why everyone looks at him like he did something horrible. But he looked up and saw hundreds if not thousands of files stacked in to piles, just waiting to be knocked down, it would be about impossible to find his file!
But what else did he have to do? It's not like he had a quest he was on just a few minutes ago, at least he couldn't remember, to be honest he couldn't even remember how he got to this station. It all felt so blurry and weird, and negative. He touched his face, feeling his burnt skin. He was crying, maybe that's why he cannot remember, maybe something bad happened to him. Anyway he was too focused and too determined to find out the truth to care.

Minutes, hours, maybe even days passed. He kept on forgetting what he was looking for and reading files about all of his friends. He read about Jack, the funny looking bald guy, about Bad, the "language!" guy and about Dream... Almost all of the files were yellow and had word "Alive" written on them or they were black and had "Dead" written on them, but he suddenly noticed a red one. It was Tommy's and had "Revived" written on it. -Tommy! He is waiting for me! He is probably so worried  about me!- He instantly remembered his original goal. He immediately ran to the door and opened it aggressively and began running as fast as he could, back to the board he saw some time ago.

Puddles of disgusting red liquid were splashing left and right. He didn't even care how much it burned, he just ran. Finally he reached the board and... his heart dropped. Tommy was talking with Willbur. The original Willbur. They were talking,  Willbur smiled. Did- did Tommy forget about him? Tears began pouring from his eyes. It burned and burned and he screamed. How dare he have forgotten about Tommy! He was supposed to get out and meet him! But he failed, he forgot! Yet again he forgot something important. Why is he this way, why must he forget the ones he loves?

He laid there on the floor for days without moving. He just watched occasional messages popping up on the screen. Cold and wet floors felt terrible, his back hurt, his neck as well. His eyes hurt even more from crying. He kept on blaming himself for everything. "It was my fault that the mission failed and maybe if I wasn't a stupid amnesiac I could actually get out" he thought laying there aimlessly, staring into nothing, afraid to move from the spot, because he was afraid to forget again. He felt sick to his stomach, occasionally coughing from the pain. He drowned in his own agony as he fell deeper in to his thoughts. Sometimes he was able to fall asleep and he dreamed about blue sky, sea, fishes, beautiful long lands of grass and flowers with occasional trees, his past home, family and his brother, Tommy. But this short moment of escape would be cut short by either a train, which never stops, passing by or a sharp pain either in his back or on his face, since he often starts crying in his sleep, because of all the good memories he may never experience again.

His skin seemed to have turned even more blue from the excruciatingly painful cold. He could feel it both on the inside and outside of his body, his fingertips have turned a darker shade of purple. The only thing keeping him warm were those messages. Tommy seemed okay. He seemed to have forgotten about Ghostbur, but maybe it's for the better. Everyone has always looked at him like he was just a distant memory of some sort, so maybe it was time for them to let go. Maybe it was time for him to let go.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2022 ⏰

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