A lot of things to be sorry for

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Cassian was completely startled by Nesta's wail. He expected her to snap at him. Heck, he even though she was actually going to bite his finger right off of his hand. No, he wasn't met with either of those. Instead, he was met with a crying 7 year old fae child.

Nesta's balled her hands into fist to try and wipe away the tears that fell on the sand. Her nose was covered with drool and snot. Her eyes were shut tight, afraid to look at the man who wanted to save her. The man who did everything for her and her friends. He taught Emerie to fly. He raced his way to the clinic for Gwyn. Why can't she see him for the man Cassian really is?

Because he's just like all of them.

All of the men in Prythian. The type of man who would do anything to get what he wants. He'll manipulate you into doing something nice and say that they love you. He'll get himself a woman and say she'll love you too. But when the woman leave, the man blames the girl. Tells her it was all a lie. A big fat stupid lie. And she will not fall for it again.

Cassian, who was trying not to cringe at Nesta's current state, reached into his back pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. "Here." he said as Nesta sniffed and looked at the cloth. She looked at him with her wet eyes and was met with a sad smile. Nesta took the cloth and furiously blew her nose, which caused her white fire to spew out of her ears. Cassian jumped back to avoid the flames. "Sorry." Nesta blushed and wiped away the remaining tear that fell from her eyes. Cassian kneeled before the girl his index finger and thumb just barely grasping her chin. "I'm sorry too."

He meant it. She didn't know how but Nesta had a feeling that he meant it. Cassian stood up and walked past Nesta and seated himself at the sand wall. Nesta, too tired to do another attempt of climbing out of this damn hole, sat next to him and hugged herself, wrapping her arms around her knees. They sat in silence for a while until Cassian broke it. "You're not a coward Nesta, I'll make that clear." Nesta looked at him from the corner of her eye. "How do you know that?"

"Because I know that you'll come back to them." It took a minute for Nesta to realize that he was talking about her friends. Nesta nodded. "I will. They're the only family I have." Now it was Cassian's turn to look at her. "Nesta, be honest with me." Cassian repositioned himself. He rested his elbow on his knee and placed his hand on Nesta's shoulder. "Why do you think Gwyn will go visit your mom?" he knew the answer to that question. Her mother was dead. But that wasn't the full story.

Nesta inhaled and sighed. "My mommy got sick. The doctors couldn't do anything about it. She meant everything to me. She helped me with my homework at school. I helped her with dinner. She did everything for me." For the first time, Nesta felt something that wasn't pain or suffering. Instead, she felt the memories pouring into her head. Her memories with her mother. She grinned at that, knowing that she's not truly gone.

Cassian smiled at the little girl who was learning how to be happy again. But a dark thought crept up his mind. He hated to have a ruin such a sweet moment, but he had to know. "Nesta, what about you father?" And just like that, the happy memories blew away with the wind. Nesta lost her smile and replied, "My father did nothing. He was never there for me. He didn't even want me!" Nesta shouted, as she stood up and kicked the sand. When she calmed down, Nesta sat back down again. "After Mommy died, he told me to go away. He never wanted to see me again."

And that is what broke him.

Cassian had a father who hated him. He never wanted anything to do with him. He hated him more than anything in this world. And now this girl will have the same dad as he did. No! He won't allow it. This girl deserved a family worth living for. She already has her friends. All she needs is a parent. Cassian may not be the best candidate but until they can find her a real family, he'll have to do.

Cassian stood up from the sand and tapped Nesta's shoulder. Nesta got up on command and looked at him. "What is it?" she asked as Cassian suddenly picked her up. "Ah! What the-!?"

"Nesta, you're talented, brave, smart, courageous, and full of heart. And your father was a fool for not seeing that in you." Nesta looked at Cassian like he was crazy. "But, he told me-"

"That was a lie. A lie that you never should've believed. You deserve to have a family Nesta. A family you can love and trust. Emerie loves you. Gwyn loves you," And before he could stop himself, Cassian replied, "I love you." Nesta gasped and covered her mouth. Cassian, realizing what just happened, cursed under his breath and facepalmed himself. "Nesta, I'm so sorry. I didn't-"

A breeze.

A breeze flew past him in the blink of an eye. No, it wasn't a breeze. It was a wind. A strong wind. Stronger than Cassian had ever witnessed. But then, he only thought they were stories. "No way."

"What?" Nesta asked, completely clueless as to what was going on. Cassian shot him and Nesta in the air catching her by surprise. Nesta yelped and held onto Cassian's neck. "Warn me next time!" she said but Cassian ignored her. He was looking at the distance. "We need to go, now!" Cassian said flying straight back to the market. "Woah! Cassie, what's going on?" Nesta asked again, still holding on to the giant Illryian. Cassian looked at Nesta briefly. "A sandstorm Nesta. A fucking sandstorm."

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