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"So Cassian? What's it gonna be?" Devlon smirked as Cassian slightly fidgeted with his sword.

This was the hardest decision he could ever make. He loved his home. Velaris was always his home. When he was born, his mother died during child birth. He never even got to know her name. His father abandoned him when he was 7 years old. Cassian had been on his own until he met Rhysand. They hated each other at first but thanks to Rhysand's mother, they got along just fine. Over time, they met Azriel and they became a family including Morrigan. She was the mother that Cassian couldn't have. After she pasted away, it was hard on all of them. Especially Cass. It was like he lost her all over again. So he became a bounty hunter. Hunting for anyone who would run from the law. It was how he made money.

After his mother's death, Rhysand made 3 rubies that were the pieces of her heart. Because Devlon already has one of them, the heart is incomplete. Morrigan would be pissed without it and Rhysand might never recover. His family needs that crystal.

But do they?

Cassian could see from the corner of his eye, how the girls were silently crying. Even if they deserve a punishment, this won't be it. Cassian had to make his decision. "Alright, I know what I want."

Devlon chuckled. "I knew even an idiot like you would come to your senses." he said as he handed him the ruby. Cassian gladly accepted it, placing the ruby in his pocket. "Now then," Devlon said, bending down to the girls' level. "Which one will be fed to the kelpies first?" The girls were about to run off, but Devlon felt a sharp pain on his neck. He didn't have time to yell in anger because he was out cold.

Nesta and the others stared in confusion before turning to Cassian. He was smirking up a storm as he laughed in triumph. "Now whose the idiot?" he said to no one in particular. Cassian turned to the girls. "Come on, let's get out of here before he wake up."

Cassian and the diablos tip toed their way out of the gorge so as not to wake Devlon. Once they were out of there, Gwyn asked him what he did. "I kicked him right on his pressure point. He should be out cold for a while." he explained at the girls hopped onto Philip the horse. Cassian climbed up last and trotted his horse out of the gorge. "So what happens now?" Nesta asked as Cassian took a look at the ruby to make sure it was real. It was. "Well now that we got the ruby, Morrigan will hold up to her promise and the 3 of you will be let go." he replied as he turned around to see their reactions. They were not what he expected. "You're not gonna take us back...are you?" Gwyn asked as the girls started to cry.

Cassian stopped his horse. "Woah woah woah hey it's okay. Don't cry, please." Cassian tried to calm them down. Emerie and Nesta softly cried but Gwyn was starting to wail a bit. "Gwyn, please stop. What's wrong?" he asked as Gwyn rubbed her eyes and sniffed a bit. "I don't have a home. My home is gone."

"My father doesn't want me. He'll cut off my wings if I went back."

"My daddy doesn't want me either." They all started to ramble about their past as Cassian tried to catch everything they were saying. Cassian sighed, deeply wishing he had the power to to instantly make them happy. Kneeling down to their level, Cassian slowly scooped all 3 of them in his giant arms. "It's okay. I know none of you wanna go back to where you were. I know it's hard. It's okay. It's okay to feel this way. It was hard for me when my dad didn't want me."

"Y-Your daddy didn't want you either?" Emerie asked as Cassian nodded trying to control his own tears that threaten to fall. "It's hard for me to think about him and sometimes he pops up in my head whenever it can. Just know that they're nothing but memories now. They can't hurt you anymore." he said rubbing their backs soothingly. The girls stopped crying and were actually half asleep in his arms. Nesta shook a bit and without thinking, wrapped her arms around his neck. ""


"I wanna...stay" Nesta drifted off to sleep leaving Cassian shocked.

Cassian and the 3 diablosDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora