Not your average Illryian

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"What the-?" They trio heard the man say as they all smiled their sweetest smiles.

Nesta, Gwyn, and Emerie were 3 young 7 year old girls without a home. Nesta came from her High Fae family back home. It was a fun life. Just her, her mother, and father. They would all eat and play together whenever the day was rough. Her mother would cook her meals and Nesta would sneak some sweets whenever her mother wasn't looking. Her father would teach her how to read and write and tell her all the great adventures he would have with his friends. Unfortunately, it was also the place where her mother passed away. She ran away from home after her father decided that he didn't need her anymore.

Nesta met Gwyn, a water nymph, a week later by a river. She was playing with the waterlilies and asked Nesta if she wanted to join in. Nesta accepted her offer and played in the water with her friend. They got to know each other better and soon Nesta realized that Gwyn's family was killed long ago and she was alone all this time. Nesta hugged her new friend and told her that she would stay with her no matter what. Later, they got back to playing their little game. Though the fun did not last.

They heard some shouting and yelling from an opening just to the right of them and saw Emerie, a female Illryian, running straight towards them. She exclaimed that her father and cousin were trying to kill her and she needed to run away. Nesta and Gwyn couldn't believe her at first, but once they saw an ash arrow being fired at them, they ran straight to Prythian. As the three girls set out, they began to work together to steal from the supermarkets and beg from the rich. Not a single one of the townsfolk suspected them. Without their cute charm, there wasn't anything else in this world that would keep them alive.

Eventually, they thought about sneaking into one of the most dangerous places yet. Devlon's hideout. He was known as the wraith of the town and one of the best criminals ever to exist. The trio knew how much money he had so they wanted to have his money all for themselves. Getting in was the easy part, however once they've learned who Devlon really was, they wanted nothing more than to run back to the town. It was already too late. They were his little toys now. 'One day you'll be one of my favorites.' Devlon said once to them, though they never understood what he meant.

Devlon gave the girls a rather difficult task. Steal all 3 fire rubies from the sacred crown. Easy enough right?

Nesta and her friends snuck into the room but they were only able to find one. Not all of the fire rubies were in the crown as the legends have said. They couldn't find the rest of them and before they could bail out of the room, Azriel found them inside. Using their charm, they tricked Azriel into thinking that they were lost and that their mom works as a servant. Azriel fell for it enough for them to escape. Devlon was waiting for them outside of the front castle gates but was disgusted when the girls only showed him one ruby. Devlon turned away from them and turned on the alarm, shocking the girls. 'Consider this as punishment.' Was all he said before he bailed on them, leaving the girls in the prison.

Now, all three of them were chained together against the wall, trying their hardest to look as innocent as possible. The giant Illyrian that came to them, turned around to another tall man. "Is this a joke, Rhys!?" he called out. Nesta took this opportunity to look at Emerie and Gwyn. "What do we do now Nes?" Emerie asked as Nesta tapped her finger on her head to think. " Em, I want you to talk to him. Make him think you're the leader."

"What about me?" Gwyn whispered as Nesta shook her head. "Keep up the cute act. He may be huge but he's just another Illryian to be played with." Gwyn nodded in agreement as they turned around to face the tall man right after he turned away from his friend. "Are you sure it's them Rhys? They look harmless to me." Good. That's exactly how Nesta wanted it to be.

The other man and the woman behind him nodded. The Illryian looked back at the girls and smiled. He rubbed Nesta's cheek, his thumb making circles around it's rose center and his index finger lightly tickling her neck. It took everything in Nesta's body not to laugh though she did force a sweet smile indicating that she liked the feeling. "You're a cute little fella aren't ya?" Nesta blushed at the comment and giggled while quickly covering her mouth in embarrassment. A little too quickly.

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