{-Hanging on a Branch-}

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    The leopard looking cat padded into the territory. Ear twitching, their blue-ish green eyes glowing in the night, there black speckles on there coat shining as he moved, while also staying flat too the cream color of their fur. He opened his mouth, smelling the scent of another rouge ..maybe loner? He tried too catch where they were, but failed. Olive shaped green eyes watching from above the trees. ' ' Guess it's a old scent? ' ' He mumbled. Continuing on his way, his long tail swaying the dead leaves. 

    His ears went up, hearing the crunch of a twig in front of him. ' ' Hello? ' ' He said, not looking away from in-front of him. Before suddenly jumping away, a large, brown, black, and white tom stood in-front of him. There eyes were a olive green, they had thick fur, and a bob-tail. He glared at the large tom. ' ' Leopard ' Pelt, exiled from ThunderClan. ' ' Leopard ' Pelt said. ' ' Who are you? ' ' He hissed after. The larger tom's claw's flexing. Whoever this was.. It was clear they weren't welcoming. ' ' There is no need too know my name. ' ' The tom growled. ' ' Leave this territory. ' ' They said after-wards. ' ' There's no need for me too leave this territory. ' ' Leopard ' Pelt growled, yet staying calm. ' ' This is a safe place for loners to pass. ' ' Leopard ' Pelt said after. ' ' It no longer is. ' ' The tom snarled back. Suddenly springing there hind legs, forcing Leopard ' Pelt too the ground. Leopard ' Pelts ears went up in suprise. He kicked his hind legs at the tom's belly, kicking them off. ' ' There is no need for this fight! ' ' He growled. The large tom glared at him, there thick fur blowing in the wind. Leopard ' Pelt suddenly quickly sprinting, springing his hind legs up onto a large oak tree, watching from above. He had something that they didn't. The abilities and power of a Leopard.

   He looked down for a few moments, before suddenly jumping off the tree, kicking his hind legs towards the WindClan territory. Sprinting quickly too the deep, rocky crack of the Gorge. The tom was following short behind him, slowing down slightly. Leopard ' Pelt suddenly jumped into the Gorge, everything was silent. The tom looked at the Gorge, looking confused. Suddenly jumping down, thinking it was safe. Leopard ' Pelt sighed, springing his hind paws onto the thick branch hanging from the Gorge, jumping back up, looking back at the Gorge. ' ' Dumb. ' ' He hissed with venom in his voice, his blue-green eyes glowing in the dark. Darting off back into the forest.

(Words: 473)

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