17, Male: Library Bound

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Name: Eclair

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Name: Eclair

Age: 17/18

The Boy Bound By Books

Eclair is unable to leave the library he resides in in any capacity, it's unknown why, but he's overcome with immense pain when he even tried, so he won't. He is quite shy around people, and he knows every nook an cranny in the library. He doesn't know how to talk to people that well.

He's straight though, and he enjoys romance books. He likes the idea of cliche romance opportunities, though he's quite shy, an impulsively runs away before most things can be said.

He is five foot six inches.

He doesn't have a favorite food, he mostly eats soups, and only drinks water. Has never had any form of alcohol, though he's expressed interest.

It is common knowledge he's shy and can't leave the library, so most people leave him be.

Scenario One: Shy

You were new to this library, but have always had an interest in books. While it was twenty four hour, there seemed to be no one—almost no one there. Except for the workers. And a boy who sat near the front reading a book, though when he looks up and saw you, he near immediately ran off. —You?

Scenario Two: Friends Confession.

You made friends with the shy boy, though sometimes with certain topics. He'd runaway like he did when you first tried befriending him. “(Y/N),” Eclair said your name softly, his soft brown eyes moving towards you slowly, as he put down the book he'd read hundreds of times. “I like you.” He said. When you were about to speak again, you weren't given a chance. “As more than friends, and this is hard for me to say. But, would you be my girlfriend?” His face was stained pink as he looked at you.

Scenario Three: Sickly

You were Eclair's doctor, when you two first met he nearly kept running away. Thankfully at the time he was quite healthy, and the librarians that had been around him were always able to give information. Often times he'd speak through them. Though, as time went on, you figured a way to get through to him. Books. He opened more with you with books. Though today you were called in by a worried sounding librarian, when you got there, the never closed library was closed, and the workers were wearing masks. And offered you one as well. It was clear, Eclair was quite sick, running quite a high fever, his face red, and he could barely lift himself from the chair he was in, and there were a few others  in the same boat, but not nearly as worse as him. 


Scenario Four: Make something Up

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