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Tord left his bedroom. He has some unfinished business with the other two. He snarled. With a harsh slam of his office door. It startled the guard, but they kept their composure.

He felt extremely stressed from this. His body was exhausted from the trip back and forward from London. But he didn't care about his mental health. He just cared about the greed and power he has been doing.

As he went over to the dungeon. His loud footsteps can be heard. The norwegian cackled insanely. Large bags rested underneath Tords eyes as he stepped to Edd and Matt's cell.

“I see you two share a prison cell.” Tord says as he noticed the two brits cowering into the corner.

"Get us out of here!” “I want to go home!” The two British males shouted over each other.

Tord made a tsk sound. “No, I'm afraid that won't happen to you. You will never be freed. Ever.”

Edd started to cry as he was hugged by Matt. Edd hugged Matt back as the two males started to cry and tremble in fear that they felt.

Tord went over to the hand scanner that was beside the cell. He calmly placed his hand on the scanner. It read for a few seconds before alerting that it read his hand correctly. The cell door opened.

Edd and Matt were about to escape but Tord takes out his desert eagle. He cocked his head to the side.

“You wanna know why you won't be freed?” Tord says as he approached the two. He first kicked Matt harshly away from Edd.

Matt whimpered as he held onto his stomach. Edd gasped as he tried to crawl away but Tord pressed his boot harshly onto Edd's spine.

Tord twisted his foot onto Edd's back. Edd let out a small scream from the pain he suddenly felt.

Matt could only watch. He was too terrified and confused to do something about it.

“It's because you're only here to keep Tom happy.”  Tord answered his own question as he lifted his boot off Edd's back. Edd coughed as his head was forced to be yanked upwards.

“Wha..? What?! Where's Tom?!” Edd screamed out in a panic as his eyes watered. “Wheres Ringo?!”

“Ohh, Ringo. Your precious kitty?”

“Yes! Where is she?!”

“Here.” Tord replied as he walked out of the cell for a moment. Two guards stood in front of the cell with their guns locked onto the British males.

Tord came back with a small cage. Inside was the grey tabby feline friend.
“Ringo!” Edd cried out as his hands trembled. Red Leader unlocked the little cage she was in. Ringo hissed at Tord as she ran over to Edd.

Edd cried as he held his pet. Hot tears fell down his face and onto the soft fur of the tabby breed cat.

Matt scooted over to Edd and hugged Edd. “Now where's Tom?..” Edd asked as he glared at Tord. The guards walking away to another cell to guard.

Tord only smiled at Edd's question. “Hes safe. Do not worry. You will be fed, and bathed, and live here. You won't have to work, but your home will be this prison cell here. Understand?” He explained to the two prisoners.

Edd sniffled. He hugged Ringo close and nodded slowly. Matt was about to object. The green brit shakes his head 'no' to Matt.

"You won't be killed unless you disobey me or try to escape. Do you understand? Give me a worded answer.” Tord demanded and glared at the two.

Yes Tord..” The two males whimpered out and nodded.

The Red Leader walked over to his scanner. The prison cell then slammed. The door echoed due to how quiet it was in the atmosphere in the dungeon.

“But where's Tom?..” Edd whimpered out. Matt rubbed the others back to try and calm down the anxious male.

“Safe.” Tord says simply and left the dungeon. Edd screamed for Tord to come back. But Red Leader ignored him. He made his long walk back to his office.

He exhaled as he takes out the pack of cigars. He reached to the location he was heading for. His office. He opened the door and went inside. Harshly slamming the door behind himself.

Tom got startled and sat up quickly in the bed. He frantically turned his head left and right. He was confused and alarmed by the sudden loud noise.

His shoulders slowly relaxed when he noticed the short leader enter the room. A cigar in his mouth. Tom exhaled slowly as he watched Tord shoved open a window. He blew smoke out of it.

“I'm Okay.” Tord reassured himself. But Tom knew that wasn't right. He watched for a few minutes. Seeing Tord smoke so many cigars. He noticed the pack was almost gone.

“Tord! You need to slow down on those!” Tom shouted out in worry. He got out of the king sized bed. Approaching the Norwegian, he yanked the little box out of Tord's robotic hand.

Tord narrowed his eyes. “Why the fuck would you do that?! Give those back to me!”

“No! Look at yourself! You almost smoked the entire pack! Do you want lung cancer?!”

“Don't speak that way to me!” Tord screamed out as he pushed Tom back. Tom raised an eyebrow as he grabbed the collar of Tord's uniform.

“I can speak to you the way I want too. I won't let you scare me anymore.” Tom spat harshly. He seethed in anger as he pinned the short norsk to the wall.

Tord whimpered out when he felt the sudden strength. How could Tom heal from those blows he taken so quickly?

Tom glared. “You're gonna fucking kill yourself one day. Don't you see how fucked up that is?.. Tord, look at me. I said, LOOK AT ME!” he screamed out the last part when he noticed Tord had his head turned away from him.

This broke Tord. A sob left Tords lips as he slowly turned his head to face the Brit. Tom felt his heart ache. A large feeling of guilt washed over him.
“I'm sorry..” the norwegian whimpered out.

Tom sighed. “No, I made you cry.”

“It's whatever! Just, leave me alone!” Tord screamed out as kicked Tom back. Tom groaned from the impact as he stepped back.

Fine. I need the sleep anyway.” Tom says in anger. He went back to the bed. His heart felt heavy with the aching pain. He laid himself back down. Going back to sleep.

Tord went to his office and slumped into his large chair. He yanked the ponytail out of hair. Letting out a screech in frustration. He held his head in his hands. Then broke down into tears.

“I screwed shit up with Tom! He won't ever love me now.”

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