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The drive was extremely long. It took them about a week to get there. Red Leader exhaled as he slumped back.

                      He made a turn as they approached London. Red Leader rolled down his car window and gave his soldiers the sign to start shooting.

Imediantly, weapons began to shoot. Civilians started to scream. They were confused about the sudden outburst of violence that has entered their home country.

Red Leader made a harsh turn with his car as he casually started running over pedestrians. He hummed happily as blood fell onto his wind shield. He used his window wipers to wipe away the blood. But he pushed harshly onto the break pedal.

There, he noticed another..army? He froze. This was Britain's army, but. It was different. The uniforms, they were blue, purple and green.

A rebellion. But, those uniforms.. those, colors. What do they mean–? Why are they–”

But his wondering was silenced. He heard a gunshot and it shot the back window of his car. He pushed harshly on the gas as he frantically drove off. He parked his car in a hidden spot and then got out.

The sky was a harsh red. Red Leader takes out his desert eagle. He was currently by himself in an alleyway.

Or so he thought he was. He heard someone's footsteps approaching. He slightly turned his head. His red eye widening in surprise.

“Thomas?” He spoke out the others name. But Tom glared. He screamed out and charged at Tord.

The two broke into a fight. Tom felt tears in his eyes as he pinned Tord against the brick wall.

"Y-you're behind all of this!” Tom shouts out. Tord laughed as he kicked Tom into the stomach. Tom winced as he stepped back.

Tord however did not stop his beatings. He continued to kick Tom until he fell to the ground. The short leader grabbed Tom's spiked hair.

“Did you miss me?” Tord says intimidatingly. Tom spat out some blood and glared.


“Thats mean.” Tord joked as he moved his robotic hand down and firmly gripped the brit's jaw.

“FUCK YOU!” Tom screamed again.

“You have an attitude  with me, do you?” Tord asks as he slammed his robotic fist into Tom's jaw.

Tom cried out. He kept his head up though. His mouth was covered in blood.

“Nobody talks to me that way. Understand me?” Tord whispers. Tom whimpered. Tears rolling down the Brits face.

Tord..what has gotten into you?..”

“What has gotten into me?”

“Yes!..Look at what you're doing!”

“Ohhh~ Min Kjære, it's only for a good cause.”

Tom cried as his head slumped over onto Tords shoulder. Loud sobs escaping out the tallers mouth.

The shorter soothed the Brit. Rubbing Tom's back with a calm expression on his face.

Footsteps approached the two. Tord looked over to see a soldier with the other friends, tied up.

“TORD! LET US GO!” Edd screamed out. But Tord raised an eyebrow. He finally noticed. Tom had a blue uniform, Matt has a purple one, and lastly Edd had the green one.

“No, not if you're the rebellion.”

The soldier injected a tranquilizer into the tied up brit's necks. Causing the two to go unconscious.

Tom gasped as he looked at Tord with fear. His 'eyes' blurring with tears. But they were already getting worse with their eyesight, so crying wasn't helping them at all.

Shh, don't be afraid of me.” Tord cooed as he placed his hands on Tom's cheeks. Tom felt woozy from the blood loss he endured. Blood continued to drip down his chin. The thick red liquid fell onto the Norwegians hands.

Tom helplessly looked at Tord. But he noticed a spark in Tords red sinister eye. It was love. It was gentleness. Kindness.

Tord wiped the blood off of Tom's lips. “You will be safe with me, okay min kjære?”

Tom was so confused. They were just fighting. Now Tord wants to protect him? Nothing made sense. The spiked haired man couldn't wrap his head around the situation now. 

He felt exhausted. His head slumped onto the short leaders shoulder. He passed out because of the blood loss.

Red Leader picked up Tom. He sighed longly. He carried Tom with him as he looked at the soldier.

“Tell everybody retreat now. We are finish here.”Tord says calmly to his soldier. The soldier picked up Edd and Matt's unconscious bodies and nodded. Running off.

Tord went to his car. He opened it and tossed Tom into the back seat. Slamming the door. He went into his driver's seat. Shoving the keys into the Ignition.

He smiled as he licked the semi-dried blood that was on his fleshed hand. Tom groaned as his eyes slightly opened. But soon closed. He felt tired.

Soon enough, the car began to drive. Tom decided he needed the rest and kept his eyes closed. Holding onto his stomach from the harsh blows and pain he still has.

Tord sighed as he noticed it started to rain. Harsh rain started to pour as the fires started to go out from the sudden weather change.

The red army eventually left the UK so they can return back to Oslo Norway.

Tord calmly kept his hands on the steering wheel as he drives. he heard Tom groan from the back.

“Where are we going?..” Tom weakly mumbled out. His vision blurred again. He was getting more blind by the minute.

“Norway.” Tord responded as he continued to drive.

The rest of the drive remained silent, until they reached their location.
Oslo, Norway. 

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