Chapter 13

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I nodded. He told me to go down to the gate, where Peter was. I fluttered my wings and the metal turned back to their white shimmer. My dress, hair, and skin went back too. I pulled my knees to my chest and leaned against the golden rods. "Peter?" He walked over to me and knelt next to me, so we were face to face.


"What am I supposed to do? This is a mess..."

"Melanie," he said to me, in that calming and authority type of voice, "do you believe?"

"Why, yes, of course I do."

"Trust in Him. Stay. And be true to yourself. Don't be what everyone else wants you to be." He looked up. "You should go." I fluttered my wings and he unlocked the gate. "One more thing." I looked ovber my shoulder. "Love like you'll never be hurt."

I knew then what I had to do.


I threw my jacket over my wings and pulled jeans over my white gown. i stuffed my hands in my pockets and shuffled along the city streets. I swung the door open to Nathan's townhouse. No one was home except him so I ran up the stairs to his room. "We need to talk. We both have some confessing to do."

"You think?"

"Angels aren't always perfect. We get five years during our mission where we are capable of sin. This is my time, and I'm doing well so far. Howeverm you're my mission, and you're not done."

"Why does it matter? Humans don't have a time span. We're from a different world."

"We have the same Father."

"If our Father loved me then why am I so fucked up?"

"Let me tell you a story..."

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