chapter 8

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So this is basically what i saw. There was a giant circular stone, floating over an endless pit of fire. There were stone stepps on the left side, and to the right was a hole that led to Satan's palace. Katrina came out of Nathan. "Well, looks like I've succeded. He's fine now, just not himself. Cruel, but not as horrible as when you ran from him. I calmed him down for ya; I have to go now," she whispered in my ear before disappearing into the fires, but I had to keep going with my plan. A dark horned shadow loomed over me.

"To the hole!" it screeched. I grabbed Nathan's arm and jumped. It was dark at first, and sort of cave like.

"Don;t say anything," I whispered to Nathan.

"Katrina!" the voice said again.

"An angel, sir," she whimpered.

"Good...good." I fell to the ground and then I felt a hot breeze of air and looked up.


"Shh." Nathan said.

"What, what happened?" I looked around. We were in my old apartment. "Is anyone here?"

"It's just us. You might wanna go look in the mirror though."

"What are you talking-OH!" I screamed as I looked in the mirror on the wall.

"Shhh," Nathan whispered again.

"No! This isn't what I meant to happen. My wings, my wings, they're," I sobbed, "they're black!"

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