My breath stills. She couldn't mean-

"Looks like it landed by that old lake. Sure was shocked to see an asteroid. Remember from a while back? We practically had a whole shower!" She adjusts the hat on her head, tucking some of her graying hair behind her ear.

I did remember because it had been pretty exciting for this little town. I hadn't seen it fall myself, but the news of it lasted a while. This time it wasn't an asteroid, though. It was a spaceship. Lucy didn't seem too curious about it, and I prayed to God it would stay that way.

Bethany, the woman a stall over, pulls the sheet that separates their stalls away and chimes in, "No, no! That was years ago! Though they sure are pretty, I hope they are miles away." Her short brown hair bounces as she shakes her head back and forth. "I wouldn't want one landing on my house!" She rubs her swelling belly anxiously.

"Years ago? That can't be right." Lucy taps her chin in thought and then shrugs, "Well, this old brain's sense of time has been messed up since the wars, so who knows," she says, brushing it off with a laugh. "This one looked miles away, though. Besides, I hear that the asteroids burn up and turn to ash by the time they hit the earth. So, you wouldn't have to worry about it taking out your house," Lucy told us reassuringly. "Anyways, here for your usual?"

I grin widely, glad that the subject was being brushed away. "Yep!" I pause, thinking of Jace and the giant alien man I now had to feed. "Actually, could I get double this time?"

As Lucy grabs the milk and eggs, I almost facepalm. I had forgotten to put the shirt and note by the shed for Taeric! Hopefully, he was okay. I couldn't imagine anything would happen to that giant of a man, though, and we would be done at the stalls soon.

Lucy places double the amount of milk and eggs on the counter. Lilly picks them up to place them in the cart. The eggs lasted 2 weeks on the counter, and the milk was sealed so it lasted a few days. Lucy lived fairly close, and when she was out in the forest, she would bring over some milk, so it was pretty fresh, but we couldn't have milk every day. I thank Lucy and hand over the coupons before making my way over to the stall beside it.

"Bethany?" I call, grabbing the attention of the pregnant woman from earlier.

She peeks around the edge of the fabric on her stall again.

"Have time for a few hair cuts?" I ask.

She beams and pulls the flap open, waving me in. I grab Jace's hand and walk into Bethany's stall. The smell of witch hazel and other pleasant and zesty scents wafts up to my nose.

"Either one of you girls want a haircut too?" I ask, glancing over my shoulder.

Lilly shakes her head. "No, I am good."

"Me too, all good!" Evey says. "Can we go to Lucy's stall with the animals, though?"

"As long as it is okay with Lucy, then it is fine with me."

"YES!" Evey cheers, running out of the stall. Lilly follows her.

Bethany chuckles and pats the chair in front of her. I set Jace down on it and sit beside him. He holds my hand tightly, looking from me to Bethany.

"So, you want a trim on the little one?" she guesses.

I nod my head. "Yeah! And if you could, maybe a nice cut for me too? The long hair is getting to be a bit of a hassle."

Bethany nods in agreement. She comes around with a comb and scissors in her hand. "Jace, right? Such a cute name." She places a hand on her stomach maternally and smiles sweetly. "What's it like? I'm sort of curious to know what it will be like once my kiddo is born."

"I honestly have no idea. He seems to be about two, so I could sort of explain what having a toddler is like. Although, I haven't had him for very long. I also know very little about his life before I found him," I admit. "But so far, things have been great. This kid is adorable, and I am so glad I found him. He is curious about everything." I smile.

We talk about the little things that have happened over the past couple of days. Well, everything except the alien man. She cut Jace's hair and then moved on to mine. Jace played with a comb, playing with the teeth so it would make a plucking noise, thoroughly distracting him.

When she was done, I ran my fingers through the end of my hair. Bethany cut off quite a bit, but I loved it. It was now at my shoulder blade. That fresh haircut feeling was unparalleled. I grabbed Jace off the chair. His little haircut was so cute! It used to be down to his shoulders, but now his soft blond hair curled around his forehead and ears.

Making my way back to the animal stall, I found Evey and Lilly beside one of the cows. The little girls were lying beside it.

Evey rubs her face on its soft cowhide before looking up at me. "Mara, you're done!"

Lilly gazes up and spotted Jace. "Awww, he looks so cute!"

"Like a little baby doll!" Evey agrees. "Oh! Mara, can we get this cow? It is so cute. I just wanna cuddle it all the time."

I laugh. "Maybe next time. I don't have enough this time, but I am getting close. We have to go home now, though. So say goodbye."

Evey makes a pouting face but stands up after placing a kiss on the cow's snout. Lilly pats its back and follows Evey out of the stall. We walk back to the front of the cluster of stalls, and I untie Bear. Then we were on our way back home.

 Then we were on our way back home

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