2.3 The Pollywog

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It looked like a slug and tadpole. It has two front legs, but no back legs. But it didn't need water so couldn't be a tadpole.

"What are you, little guy?" Dustin wondered as they stared at it in the cage. Star watched as it crawled under a log, getting in the shade. "What were you doing in my bin? You hungry."

Star got out a lolly pop, and unwrapped it, placing it in her mouth. Dustin dumped out his sweets, looking for something to feed it.

Dustin picked up a three musketeers bar, and went over to the tortoises tank. He broke off a piece of the nougat and dropped it inside.

"Nougat." Dustin smiled, watching the creature. It peared out but hid again, not liking the light. "Go on, eat."

"Oh, he doesn't like the heat." Star realised, she got up and moved over to turn of the heater.

"Sorry about that, little guy." Dustin apologised as it shuffled over to the nougat and began to eat it. "You like nougat too, huh?" Star and Dustin high fived.

"You're pretty cute, you know that?" Dustin chuckled. "I'm glad I found you. D'Artagnan. I'm gonna call you D'Artagnan."

After this Star brought her sweets to her room. She got out of her dress with a yawn, before flopping onto her bed. Her last thought before she fell asleep was about the ginger girl.

The next day, Star went with Dustin to library before school, going to find any books that could help determine D'Art's species.

They got in, grabbing books all about amphibians and other animals that looked like D'Art.

They went up to the front desk and Dustin placed down the five books he wanted to check out, library card in hand.

"Mr Henderson, you know the rules. Five at a time." The librarian stated.

"Yep." Dustin smiled, beginning to point at each book to count them. "One, two, three, four and five."

"Ten." She corrected putting a slip of paper on the desk. "You already have five books checked out."

"Can't I take any out?" Star asked her.

"No you have over five books that need returning." The librarian saud giving her an unamused look.

"Right." Star said sheepishly.

"Our mistake." Dustin stated. "However, we are on a curiosity voyage, and we need paddles to travel. These books... these books are the paddles."

"Five at a time." She said firmly, saying each word with extra emphasis to get across her point.

"Are you shitting me?" Dustin blurted.

"Excuse me?" She said in disgust.

Star looked around and nodded at Dustin. She reached over, knocking her lamp off the desk. As the librarian went to reach it the two bolted out the library.

"Mr Henderson!" She shouted.

"We need the paddles!" Star exclaimed.

Max sat in class, now knowing what had happened to Will. Well, to a certain extent, leaving out the other dimension and the evil creature.

She looked over at Will curiously, turning away when he looked back. She then noticed Star's empty chair and furrowed her brows.

"I am so sorry Mr Clarke." Dustin apologised bursting into the room. Star followed anxiously behind him, hating she was late- making her bite her lip.

"Sorry, Sir." Star apologised shyly.

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