Chapter 64 - Date!

Start from the beginning

Commander Yosuke:
Unfortunately it's true, Keisuke. We received a really important notice. I hope we can make it up to you at a later date!

..... The Package

The Package:
Hiiya Kei-chan~~ I'll be coming, so you won't be alone!

So just the two of us then, huh?

The Package:
Yup! Just the two of us~~

You guys better have a good reason to bail out on us like this.

Agent Kei:

Agent Maya:

Commander Yosuke:


( Chiaki POV )

I walked down the snowy streets. I was staring at my phone, and felt a pang of joy clutch my chest when I realized that the plan really was working.

Thank you, Kei, Maya, Hirata!

On the other side of the street, I saw a Class D student..... being supported by 2 of her friends? Did she get hurt or something? Wait, is that a nosebleed?


I turned the last corner, and headed towards the board 'Seven Hills'. I searched around for Kei-chan. He said that he had already arrived, so he must be---


As soon as my eyes fell on a certain person, my mind went blank.

And from the looks of it, every single female in the area had gone blank, and were absentmindedly staring at the man who was leaning in front of the billboard, staring into the snow.

He was wearing black jeans and brown boots, topped with a classy navy-blue trench coat. He completed the look with a dark scarf. But what stood out the most were his dangling earrings, something that he rarely wears. I've only seen him use his piercings once or twice when I was in his room, but I didn't know he actually had such fancy accessories.

Even though he was my best friend, and the closest I've ever been to a person, I couldn't muster up the courage to walk up to him. I felt like such an outsider at the thought of interacting with someone so handsome.

No, Chiaki! Get a grip! He's your friend, but the goal is to take it to the next level! And today is the day I finally score a date with him!

I tightened my fists, and stopped my legs from shaking with nervousness as much as I could. I took in a deep breath, and walked towards Kei-chan.

He didn't seem to notice me, as he blissfully stared at the snow, completely ignoring the obvious stares he was receiving from literally all age groups.

"K-Kei-chan!" I blurted out.

Shit! I stuttered! What a way to ruin your first impression, Chiaki!

He turned to look at me. I stared at his beautiful eyes in awe.

"Hello Chiaki. Good that at least you came," he said in a voice that clearly indicated how irritated he was by everyone walking out on him. Well, I guess I would be pretty pissed if someone pulled off this on me as well.....

"O-of course! I wouldn't leave my Kei-chan hanging now, would I?" I said with a pout. He stared at me for a good few seconds, before cracking a smile.

Oh god that smile. I could see another first year fainting a few meters away.

Another Like Me - Part I (CoTE x OC) ✔Where stories live. Discover now