- I want to bow down to all the writers ( including you ) who take out their precious time and create masterpieces that help us to escape reality. You all are not getting paid to do this and because of all the writers, Wattpad is a comfort place for many!

➽ I understand. Even though how much we say we write for ourselves, there's a point where we think about opinions. Because as you said it's easy to get misunderstood. It worry me when I see people taking characters action to their heart and take it to another level. It's fiction ( I'm not saying it's a key to do whatever you want with a character) characters can be emotionally vulnerable, they can have flaws, they may not be smart and think strategically, and it's okay, the things happen in a story, it's how the plot is planned, coordinated. And coming from different backgrounds with different beliefs and cultures, things can get complicated because we think differently. And there's always a person who has a different opinion than ours

- I agree with every word! I have started writing for myself but as I gained views I started to think about the readers, by then it was no longer for myself but my readers 💜

Things would not get complicated if people see fiction as fiction and stop comparing it with the real life, as you said there is always someone who disagrees with our views and I think it's only natural.

➽ Yes, it's natural

We are different at some point

- Yeah!

➽ Finding words to write is totally time-consuming. I understand you because I have been there too.

You are right, Wattpad is really safe place of many. Who choose to come out of their comfort zones to unleash the writer's in them and for the readers like me to who find solace in reading

- You're forgetting the fact that I'm a reader too!!

➽ I don't dare to but to me, you are always a writer than a reader

- Wow that's - Thank you for saying that
You made my day ❤️

➽ Talking to you is all my pleasure bun

- it's illegal you are making me blush 😳

➽ You are the cutest <3

- 🙈

➽ I think I talk a lot 🙈

[ I get excited easily //]

- And I'm loving it, it's been a long since I had a conversation like this and you're cute 💜

➽ Yeah cute 🙈 who talks non- stop

Moving forward, what are the key challenges you faced when you started writing here?

- As I mentioned earlier I always worry about the impact of my story on the readers. That's the only challenge for me. Maybe I'm overthinking but from my point of view the majority of the readers are teenagers and the things they take in now are going to impact them in future. ( look who is talking! I'm one of them too 😂)

➽ Your worries are valid. Because looking from a point, I was one of the reader who took books as a life lesson. Sometimes it does has a impact on our life. It helps, heal, relax but another time we have to leave it as a fiction. Books and characters has this complex meaning that we need to choose which path we have to cross.

- I'm glad you understood me.

- I read a story where cheating and marital rape were forgiven so easily and it got me thinking for days like they say a person can be forgiven if he truly changes but that doesn't mean he should not be punished for his deeds. I was a silent reader back then but I read the comments which said "everything is fair for love " like tf?

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