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Hey, Lauv here

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Hey, Lauv here. A warm welcome to the people who decided to take a peak at TalkQuickNotes.

A book is full of unexpected twists and turns in an unexpected world with expectations. Today we have Moumita [ BookLoverMD ], who Enlighten Our World with amazing taekook stories. Let's see things through her perspectives.

➽ Hello author nim, thank you so much for sparing your precious time for me and TalkQuickNotes. It's such a honor.

- I think I should be the one thanking you. Thank you for finding me and my amateur writing worthy enough to be featured in your book.

➽ Have you read your writings? Your dedication and passion is more than worthy to be admired for. Thank you so much for accepting my invite.

Can you tell me a little about yourself ?

- Hi, I'm Moumita, you can call me Mou. I'm 31 years old, a private tutor and a govt job aspirant. As my user name reads, BookLoverMD, I'm a book lover, actually you can say I'm a book addict. I can't live even one day without reading anything. Sounds crazy, right? Well that's how I'm, crazy and kinda weird :-)

[ Mou, that's such a sweet name ]

➽ Wow. I'm glad we have a lot of tutors with open mind here. It's gonna influence a lot of people which will have a great impact on their life, in our society. And being crazy, i can understand as if reading would pay all my bills, I'd gladly be crazy all day and night without a second thought.

- Yeah, if only we could get paid for reading, than I would be a millionaire right now:-)

➽ I know right ; )

Moving forward, When did you realise you wanted to be a writer ?

- To tell you the truth, I never thought of becoming a writer. I never thought I could do it. You see, I have a very imaginative mind. From a very young age I loved making stories in my mind. But never got the courage to write them and also never got the urge. But when I came across, Taekook, it's like I found my muse. I was like, yes these are the people about whom I want to write stories. And that's how I started.

➽ Taekook unexpectedly inspired you to become a writer and we are thankful you found your muse. Your imaginative mind has the power to lure us in, and i believe even though you never had the urge until Taekook, your passion must be hidden somewhere that I could feel through your writing.

What are the one of the most surprising things you learnt in creating your books ?

- I think the most surprising thing I learnt, is expressing emotions. I don't know how to explain. But I was and I still am not good at expressing myself so, I still find it surprising that I can make the characters of my stories express emotions and readers can actually understand them, relate to them.

TalkQuickNotes with lauvOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora