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Hey, Lauv here

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Hey, Lauv here. A warm welcome to the people who decided to take a peak at TalkQuickNotes.

Quoting Danielle Orner's words, 'Writing is a dangerous profession. There is no telling what hole you may rip in society’s carefully woven master narrative.' Today we have Nethu [ kasuniisanka ] a dungeon of incredible taekook stories with sweet persona, let's hear her voice.

➽ Hello author nim, thank you so much for sparing your precious time for me and TalkQuickNotes. It's such a honor

- You are most welcome sweetheart

➽ <3

Can you tell me a little about yourself?

- My name is nethu, but many know me as kasuniisanka. I'm a 21 year old university student, who's lazy as hell and enjoy writing a lot. There's nothing more interesting about me.

➽ If being lazy can be productive as you are that's really amazing

- Hehe

➽ Moving forward, when did you realise you wanted to be a writer?

- I don't actually remember that. I read tons of books in wattpad before making my account. I used google. And after reading so many books, I also wanted to try writing.

➽ That's really great, I'm glad you found yourself in writing<3 because of that we got many amazing books

- Thank you so much

➽ Don't thank me for saying truths, they are really amazing

What was the one of the most surprising things you learnt in creating your books?

- Oh many things.. First thing I learned was, writing is not easy. And second is, there are so many people who are ready to get offended and you can't please everyone. Third, just one message from a reader can either make your day or ruin your day.. and there are many more

➽ That's true. There will be always someone who has another point of view. Pleasing everyone won't be possible but we can please ourselves and write what our heart desires.

- Absolutely right. I write because that makes me happy

➽ Yous should continue to write as long as you have thay desire within you, the one who understand you and your passion in writing will always be there

- Yeah.. I'm really writing for the readers who's reading and enjoying my work

➽ Coming to the next part, what in your opinion are the most important elements of good writing?

- My opinion.. there's the thing, I'm not good at telling about these stuff

- Even I don't know what are the important elements of good writing. Someone need to tell me too

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