Episode 13: Once Bitten

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A/N: This a another parody of Spongebob.

(Birds were chirping on a nice sunny day)

Cruella: What a sun-tastic day! [slips on mud trail] Mud trail. [Lucky goes in the farm and shuts the doors] That Wallace needs to keep his pet out of my yard. [Lucky looks through a window as Cruella mops up the trail] I am sick of cleaning up after him.
Lucky: Woof. [Cruella discovers Gary leaving trail all over her pet rock collection]
Cruella: Not my pet rock collection. [growls, and starts jumping up and down] That's it! This isn't the first time you've soiled my yard with your revolting excretions. But mark this down in your little puppy notebook: it will be the last time! [Later, Cruella puts up a force field of wood all around her Mansion] This cheap, splintering wood will keep even Gary out. Now, I feel safe. [Lucky's trail drops all over him] Wallace!
Wallace: Hey, Cruella.
Cruella: [calmly] Hey, Wallace... [screaming] Keep your shelled vermin off of my property! The next time, my annoyingly kid friend, your wet puppy messes up my lawn, you leave me no choice but to call Dog Control. That little monster... [Lucky bites Cruella's behind. Cruella stutters] He bit me!
Wallace: Lucky! [pulls Lucky away] No, dirty boy. This isn't like you.
Cruella: Oh, but it's just like you, Wallace, to raise such a misbehaved mollusk.
Wallace: Lucky's not misbehaved!
Lucky: [growling]
Wallace: But there does appear to be something wrong with him.
Cruella: I'll say. I hope he had his shots.
Wallace: Oh, of course.
Cruella: All of his shots?
Wallace: Affirmatory.
Cruella: For rabies?
Wallace: Yup.
Cruella: Dog pox and soft paw dance?
Wallace: Yupie.
Cruella: Bronchitis, lumpy-bump trump, teen angst?
Wallace: Yup, yup, yup.
Jasper: [suddenly appearing] Well, let's not forget the worst of them all: Mad Puppy Disease.
Wallace: Uhh...
Jasper: You mean your pet hasn't been vaccinated for mad puppy disease? [to Cruella] Looks like the rash has already started.
Cruella: Rash?
Jasper: Tell me, do you have any soreness of throat?
Cruella: [gulps] Well, now that you mention it, my throat is a little dry.
Jasper: This disease will ravage your body with bloodshot eyes, loss of balance, messy pants, ticklish rib cage, severely untrimmed toenails, and finally, the bite from that infected pup will turn you into... A zombie.
Cruella: [freaks out; screams, then runs off crying loudly.]
Jasper: [To Wallace] You need to get that pup of yours to a doctor before he bites someone important. [both gasp once they see that Lucky is missing] There's a mad pup on the loose! [runs off screaming]
Wallace: Lucky? Lucky?! Lucky?! Lucky?!
Jasper: [runs up to a couple] The mad puppy is coming! If he bites you, you'll turn into a zombie.
Person: Jeepers, what's with all the lunatics? [Lucky crawls up]
Person's Wife: Oh look, honey, isn't he the cutest? [Lucky is panting]
Person: Come here, little buddy. [pets Lucky] He's just adorable. [Lucky bites him] Mad puppy disease is real! I'm a zombie. I've been bitten by a mad pup. I've got mad puppy disease!
Person #2: Then I've got it! A puppy just bit me, too! [all screaming]
Incidental 42: [screams; all look at their hands and scream.]
News Guy: We interrupt this broadcast to bring you a news blast. Terror in a collar. This just in... fear and disease are spreading like wildfire as a killer puppy has been biting the citizens of London England infecting them with... mad puppy disease. [(two scream sound effects are played at once. One of them is from the "" episode, the other one was used on the show Rocko's Modern Life.] Ask any old person on the street and they'll tell you that germs enter through the bite radius, traveling upstream until the entire host body is full of... mad puppy disease. [the same sound effect from above can be heard] We now take you to Action News Reporter James Perkins live on the scene.
James Perkins: James Perkins here with the first victim of this epidemic. Tell me, Ms. Cruella, when did you first begin to suspect that you were a zombie?
Cruella: Well, after I was bitten by a mad pup, I began to get a rash; followed by loss of balance, ticklish rib cage, and a few other symptoms.
Chad: [wearing red shirt] Hey, I was bitten by a puppy. I kinda feel off balance. [falls over] Whoa.
James Perkins: Hey, I have a ticklish rib cage, too. And I haven't even been bitten.
Incidental 42: [wearing red shirt] Oh no, it's spreading through the air! [all scream]
James Perkins: Well, you heard it here first. We're all doomed to a horrible demise. Thanks to a diseased puppy. [screams and runs around in circles; TV static then back on; still screaming]
Wallace: [shocked due to the news; people screaming] Lucky? [horn honking] I can't believe that sweet and cute lucky pup would cause all this destruction.
Cruella: [moaning] I'm a zombie... here to dine on your squishy kiddie flesh! [moaning like a zombie. Some of the people moan and are zombies. Wallace screaming and takes a bus; Wallace still screaming and running to a school] It's locked! [all moaning] Somebody let me in.
Mr. Billy: Wallace, come in, boy. And bring your friends in, too. They look hungry. [uses key to open]

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